Not Of Works

Ephesians 2:9

By Pastor Don Fortner

Common sense as well as the plain, universal testimony of Holy Scripture teaches us that salvation can never be accomplished by our works because the best works of the best men performed in the best manner possible are altogether without merit before God. All the works of unregenerate men and women, their best deeds of charity, benevolence, and religious duty are utterly abhorrent to God (Isa. 1:10-15;Lk.16:15). Even the best works of the most earnest, sincere believers in this world are but filthy rags, altogether without merit before God and totally unacceptable to him apart from the blood and righteousness of Christ (Isa. 64:6; Eccles. 7:20). Consider these four facts:

  1. In order for our works to be meritorious with God they must be profitable and beneficial to him; but they are not (Job 22:2; 35:7; Psa. 16:2).
  2. Our works can never earn anything from God because perfect obedience is due to him already. We cannot expect to be rewarded for doing imperfectly at best that which we are duty bound to do perfectly (Lk. 17:10).
  3. Our works cannot be meritorious with the Lord because it is God himself who gives us the grace and strength to perform what we do for him (John 15:5).
  4. Our works cannot be meritorious with God because there is no proportion between the works we perform and the bounteous salvation that God bestows.

Can sin be washed away by austerity? Can heaven's blessings be purchased with tithe money? Can eternal life be earned by dead ritualism? Can mercy be won by mortification? Can salvation be gained by separation? Can heavenly rewards be gained by imperfect earthly labor? Perish the thought! Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone!

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