"On land, on sea, at home, abroad, I smoke my pipe and worship God" Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750


Published with the belief that God acknowledges no distinction between the secular and the sacred.


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Not a few faithful readers may have concluded that The Churchwarden is slowly dying a sure death. Such is not the case, I can assure you. However, my father certainly is, which is why so little was done with the CW during 2004. The logistics of caring for a old man with one foot in the grave, who lives 35 miles away, is phenomenally time consuming. Of course, my dad is not too interested in hurrying the other foot (not that I blame him) so this whole affair is taking much longer than anyone ever anticipated, especially the health professionals. Indeed, our days are in the hands of God Almighty, not the doctors. Thus, Donald R. Fuller's life expectancy has exceeded their dire prediction by well over a year now. Sometimes it's a good thing when a physician doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyhow, the CW will continue with sporadic new postings until my father passes away and thereafter rise to its former glory according to God's blessing.

JP Ross Rods

The nice thing about having a web site independent of any backing by paying advertisers is that I can endorse whomever I jolly well please without fear of financial repercussions. I have long contended that fly fisherman are getting screwed, price-wise, by those big name manufacturers such as Orvis, Sage and Winston. There are alternative companies which provide an excellent product for the money--I'm thinking of Temple Fork Outfitters and Elkhorn, for example--however, almost every one of those companies have their rods manufactured offshore. Personally, I will not buy a fly rod unless the thing is constructed right here in the USA or by our United Kingdom and Irish allies. I want to support American manufacturing as well as fly fishing traditionalism, which leads me to a decided preference for equipment produced within our own geographical borders or those of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Consequently, when I wanted to order a new 4-weight just two weeks ago I went straight back to JP Ross.

Ross rods possess three qualities I greatly appreciate: Made in the USA blanks, slower action and eminently fair pricing. In my opinion they provide the best value for your dollar, therefore I endorse them for 2005 without qualm or qualification.

I get five paid sick days per year from my job. Rarely are any of them ever used for actual illness. Generally I'll waste two on fishing and cash in the other three, the money from which I always blow on more fly fishing stuff. This year I decided to spend a good portion of that hardly earned cash on a small stream 7' 4-weight. I did not hesitate to buy from Ross because last year I so happened to acquire a Ross 8-1/2' 5-weight and found that particular stick to be well worth every dime I spent. Therefore it was a no-brainer for me to choose a Ross rod again.

I have no doubt this one will prove equally as pleasing as the first, and I'm sure it won't be my last.

The JP Ross web sit is:

Rad Davis Pipes

Rad Davis is a fly fishing guide who lives in Alabama, but guides during the season in Montana. Somehow or another he connected with Mark Tinsky, learned the essentials of pipe making from him, and now crafts pipes on his own. Rad's prices are excellent and the freehand briars he carves are superb. I know because I own one. Mr. Davis will be the CW's Pipe maker of the Year for 2005. In a day when the handiwork of many makers exceeds a monthly mortgage payment, it's nice to find a guy whose ego doesn't demand arrogant pricing. Rad's pipes can be found in the Store section of Mark Tinsky's web site (a testimony to Tinsky's generosity, by the way) at:

Father McAllister Letters

They will return. Their absence last year was due to a tragic accident: Bishop Harry Hackle--Father McAllister's theologically liberal correspondent--spent the greater part of 2004 in a coma. It seems he got knocked senseless by a billy goat. However, the poor bishop has recently come around, and now McAllister intends to resume the correspondence between them.

The Red Quill Letters

This will be a new addition to the CW, consisting of my letters to a charismatic by the name of Red Quill. He's an Assembly of God pastor down in Carlisle, PA.

Gawith, Hoggarth & Co.

Recently I acquired nine samples of this company's tobacco. As I smoke each one I'll give it a short review. So far they suck.


For Christmas my son-in-law gave me a nicely bound blank book (written by a famous West Virginia author). I intend to recycle it into a fly fishing journal, the entries to which I'll transcribe to The Churchwarden. This is a dangerous thing to do because, then, you will find out that I really don't know squat about fly fishing, that I just make up stories, that I lie, exaggerate, and that I'm basically full of crap.



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