redquill letters

Perry S. Fuller

The Red Quill Letters are a regular feature in The Churchwarden, consisting of my ongoing correspondence with Reverend Red Quill. Pastor Quill is a charismatic neo-evangelical whom I first met five years ago while fishing the Westfield River here in Massachusetts. He was attempting to raise reluctant rainbows from the dead by loudly calling upon the name of Jesus for miraculous assistance. I told him a parachute Adams might prove more effective. He tied one on, caught an eighteen-incher, and we've been friends ever since.

Awhile ago Quill took a new pastorate in Carlisle, Pennsylvania--home of the Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service, Banner of Truth, and the famous Letort River. Naturally I'm somewhat jealous. Nevertheless, I intend to maintain our friendship by writing to him regularly on any number of subjects, ranging from trout to theology. Hopefully you'll find these letters entertaining, if not edifying.

Red Quill Letter 12-04

Red Quill Letter 01-05

Red Quill Letter 02-05

Red Quill Letter 03-05

Red Quill Letter 11-05

Red Quill Letter 01-06New!

Red Quill Letter 02-06 New!

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