End Notes
Perry Fuller's The Churchwarden

End Notes

  1. When Hollywood turns a book into a movie, often the book suffers and the movie sucks. When I first heard that Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring was to become a cinematic feature I feared the worst: no pipes for the hobbits. After all, smoking by any means is politically incorrect these days. But, alas, my fear was for nought. The hobbits will have their beloved pipes, and I will now gladly pay the exorbitant price to see the movie. For an excellent article on the role of pipes in the film, buy the winter 2002 edition of Pipes And Tobaccos magazine, and read the interview with actor Sean Astin who portrays Samwise Gamgee, servant and faithful friend of Frodo Baggins.

    The Fellowship of the Ring opens on December 19th.

  2. If you haven't got it yet, get it. I'm speaking of the new English Standard Version of the Bible. The ESV is essentially an evangelical revision of the older Revised Standard Version and fills the gap between the NIV and the NASB, being more literal than NIV and more dynamic than NASB. The ESV, while not perfect, is thoroughly enjoyable to read, plus accurate enough for serious study. Highly recommended. Also--for those fly fisherman amongst my readers--you might like to know that R. Kent Hughes, a highly respected scholar/pastor and lover of the long rod, played a significant role in the production of this most excellent translation.
  3. Either no preachers read THE CHURCHWARDEN or the state of evangelicalism is so bad that no one is willing to preach a sermon on justification by faith in exchange for a superb book on the same subject. Last month I offered the best contemporary volume available on forensic justification to the first three pastors willing to send in a sample of their pulpit work for publication. Not a bad deal, I thought, but I got zero responses. I don't know what to make of the situation, so I'll reserve judgment.
  4. Pipe Lighters ruin briar. This is an indisputable fact that both Father Felim McAllister and I will proclaim till the day we simultaneously die. Should anyone wish to dispute our claim, we strongly encourage such nincompoops to look closely at rim of the pipe on page 57 of Pipes And Tobaccos (Winter 2002). Truly, a picture is worth a thousand words.
  5. Merry Christmas.
  6. Happy New Year.

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E mail Perry Fuller at darkcahill.com
�copyright 2001, Perry Fuller

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