Perry Fuller's The Churchwarden


(a book offer)

Numerous tragedies exploded from the impact of recent terrorism on American soil, not the least of which is a traitorous denial by both bureaucrats and preachers alike of Christ's exclusivity as mankind's Savior from sin. We should expect as much from politicians whose convictions are typically formed by the persuasiveness of pluralism, but what about those who are specifically ordained to speak for God? What is their excuse?

While Christians should be the very first to condemn hate crimes against the adherents of any religion, they should also be the very first to condemn the idolatry of every religion. Yes, you read me correctly. Religion is the odious human effort to pacify the living Lord or some bogus deity. Consequently it is heretical at best, idolatrous at worst, and completely pointless in either case. There is one God, no other--namely the triune Creator of heaven and earth, he who has disclosed himself to the world through the historical Jesus. He alone is worthy of worship. Moreover, this God is further differentiated from the gods of religion by virtue of being the gracious Justifier of elect sinners, imputing to them the perfect righteousness Christ through the instrumentality of faith. Works-righteousness, on the other hand, is the regular modus operand of all earthly religions. Therefore, pastoral pontifications which cater to the current demands of political correctness concerning the subject of Islam, for example, are blasphemous and belie a greater interest in the praise of men than the approval of God. Gentlemen (and perhaps not a few ladies), you render evil to the souls of countless people whenever you give the slightest degree of legitimacy to a theology which attempts to bypass the Son as the way to the Father, or whenever you intentionally or unintentionally make the least allowance for human merit as a means of acquiring divine acquittal. Proclaim Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life; preach justification by faith--or get out of the ministry. I do not know what else to say or a nicer way of saying it. Hard hitting language, I know, but diluting the Gospel--especially during the present trend of religious sentimentalism--should never characterize the pulpit. If a man will not stand firm on the Rock of salvation, he ought to have enough integrity to voluntarily step down.

The doctrine of justification is the very heart of the Gospel. Every erroneous belief system from Islam to Roman Catholicism, including certain expressions of evangelicalism set men and women upon the impossible task of trying to earn God's forgiveness by personal worth or good works. Christianity, by contrast, is the complete reversal of such anthropocentric religion: God the Father joyfully establishes a just relationship with sin-laden people (a relationship which fully honors his magnificent holiness) by legally crediting the righteousness of God the Son to the account of all who believe through the irresistible grace of God the Holy Spirit.

The biblical tenet of justification by faith is utterly unique to genuine Christianity. Judaism, Islam, and Roman Catholicism are confessionally monotheistic, but only Christianity embraces the Scriptural teaching on justification. Both Catholicism and Christianity readily acknowledge the triune nature of God Almighty, but only Christianity accurately proclaims justification as it is taught in the Bible (again, that sovereign judicial judgment of God the Father whereby he imputes--not imparts--the supremely perfect righteousness of his only begotten Son to his many adopted sons and daughters). Justifying sinners by means of imputed righteousness is the singular and signal act of the true God, a judicial act that manifestly distinguishes him from the dead deity or deities of humanistic religion. A god who does not justify fallen mankind in this particular manner is purely a figment of the imagination. He has no actual existence. Rather, he is an idol and ought to be destroyed by the force of truth.

The most loving thing anyone can do for another person is demolish all hope of salvation apart from a forensic righteousness premised upon the substitutionary work of Christ. Pastors, your calling is to proclaim justification with conviction and clarity, and not succumb to the pressure of politics to be charitable towards competing religions. To enable you excel in such a high calling, I have three copies of The God Who Justifies (Bethany House Publishers), by James R. White, which I will offer to the first three pastors who meet the following condition:

You must agree to preach at least one expository sermon on the subject, and allow me to print it in THE CHURCHWARDEN for the benefit of a wider audience.

The God Who Justifies is a new volume, and undoubtedly the very best treatment of the doctrine published within the last hundred years. The explanatory chapters constitute a model of how theology ought to be written, and the exegetical section is a gold mine. I plead with you to acquire a copy, whether from me or your local bookstore. This book has the potential of revitalizing your ministry and changing your life--I am not exaggerating.

Just send me an e-mail, and I will snail mail you the book free and postage paid.

©copyright 2001, Perry S. Fuller

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