Perry Fuller's The Churchwarden

  1. "I sort of stumbled onto the site from a link on and am interested in subscribing. Anyone who loves the Lord, fly fishing, and the briar, is worth listening to."

  2. "Let me just say that I hope you are around for some time. I have read your on-line publication and it is the perfect blend of fly fishing and Christian beliefs.
    I started fly fishing when I was in the eleventh grade. I am 26 now. My first rod was a 9' GLoomis 9 weight that I could use for either bonefish or bass. I have progressed and learned of better things. I haven't purchased bamboo yet but I did start trout fishing about 5 years ago after a trip to the mountains with college friends. Now I mostly trout fish with a 6' 2 weight fishing mostly overgrown native brook trout streams in the mountains of North Carolina. I live in South Carolina but the trout are beaten up and finless on one side if you get my drift! Not exceptional fighters, kind of lazy!
    I recently got married and after nearly 8 years I have started going back to church. I strayed from the path if you will. Nothing major but just didn't feel good about myself. After reading one of your articles about spiritual dryness, I was enlightened. I have a new outlook on things and I am being what I should have been al of these years. A Christian; not a speaker of Christianity. I found there is a big difference between saying and doing. Thank you for a wonderful publication. I hope it lasts many seasons."

  3. "Please subscribe me to your "weird" little newsletter. �I have only just discovered your web site, and I am excited to read through the back issues.� I am an associate pastor and an enjoyer of a pipe or cigar.� My current favorite is a pipe, and I am now putting the finishing touches on a pipe I have carved. �Theology and tobacco . . . a great combination for in-depth conversation with good friends."

  4. "Hey bro, I wanted to tell you that I like your site, and it's a concept--no a bridge 'twix sacred and secular. .I do have a question, though: Why "churchwarden?" Is the church a prison, that it needs a warden? Someone to keep the very people of God "in line," and from "escape"? What will happen to them if they don't abide by the prison rules? Will they be shot?"

  5. "Hello from Germany.

    I found your Churchwarden-Homepage by "chance" by clicking on a link on Steve Beaty's - Site. I was surprised and happy to find your pages containing three of my own Interests/hobbies: Jesus Christ, your Made-with-Macintosh-Sign and of course Pipe smoking. And although I do no fishing myself,I happen to know someone wo is a "Fly-Fisher" (or how this is called). So even this is covered. :-)

    Since Online-time is rather expensive here in Germany and I am not one of the lucky ones who have a flat rate account, I only took a few looks at your publications, but what I saw took my interest and I printed out some pages to read them in the evening (without the clock ticking in the back of my head...).

    At the End of your June 20001 (no this is not my "mistyping," that's what your page "said" :-) Edition you wrote, that it is possible "to subscribe to this weird - but free - little publication" via email. Well, depending on how this would reach me, I would like to try it. Do you send the articles as a (text)email or as a Acrobat Reader file? Or anyway else?I ask, because I don't have the limits to download a lot megabytes every month.

    With many greetings, a lot of good and holy smoke and Gods blessing for you . .

    Yours sincerely,

    Michael :-)"

  6. "I �came across "The� Churchwarden" a few weeks ago and enjoy it very much. Great articles, humor, and wonderful reflections on pipes! If subscriptions are needed, count me in !"

  7. "I just spent a delightful half hour perusing your offerings in The Churchwarden. Absolutely delightful. I would love to receive the fruits of your labors in my email box each month.

    Unfortunately, I have never mastered the art of fly fishing.� South Texas simply does not have the draw of fly fishing that a stream in Colorado or New Mexico has. And I seldom make it to those places, though they are truly God's country. I do, however, enjoy the pleasures of the pipe. I have been collecting, smoking, and enjoying tobacco pipes since my seminary years (early and mid 70's) in St. Paul, Minnesota. I recently celebrated my Silver Anniversary of Ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and/or its predecessor body/bodies. Don't worry about it, it gets complicated, as Garrison Keillor can attest to. Matters of theology and faith are a definite "turn-on," to use a phrase coined by that magazine we all used to read years ago for its "intellectual" articles.

    I do have a question which you might forward to your good friend, Rev. Brown. He spoke of receiving a couple of pipes produced by a Minnesota pipe maker. I�am not acquainted with this pipe and would like to find way to check this pipe maker out and perhaps order on of his creations.

    Thanks for a delightful break in the midst of preparing for fall schedules, the resumption of Confirmation Classes,� youth groups, alligator attacks and the like."

  8. "WOW!!!! Thank you so very much. Just last night me and Tony (the contest winner) were sitting on his front porch with Battenkill in each pipe just raving about how wonderful it is under one of the most beautiful star filled nights that I have seen in a while. You and the Churchwarden's pages have been a blessing in my life and I praise the Lord your ministry."

(Editor's Note: The Battenkill Blend is a unique pipe tobacco mixture especially made up by Father Felim McAllister for The Churchwarden Writing Contest winner. The ingredients are top secret, so don't even ask.)

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