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Pequenos Rouxinóis - Ali eles cantam e brincam, construindo a vida e a presença de Deus.
   They have already recorded with Milton Nascimento ( Panis Angelicus from C�sar Franck to the T.V. Programme "Wonderful" from Globo Television, with T�lio Mour�o ( CD: "Nightingales-30 years of songs". And why not to say "of the purest delight?").
   In 2000 occurred the premi�re of the Chamber Orchestra, composed nowadays for violins, violas and cellos, performing also accompanied by the chorus.
See also: Maps « » Bibliographical References
   Social Headquarters, Study and Leisure
   2, Rio Branco Street
   Porto Velho
   Zip Code: 35500-430
   Telefax: (37) 3221-1295
O Coro. A Camerata.A Camerata e o Coro.
Mobile phone: (37) 9107-0714

Tradução feita pelo Prof.Evanio Geraldo de Almeida Viana. Nightingales from Divinópolis 
 The Singer Boys 
Tradução feita pelo Prof.Evanio Geraldo de Almeida Viana.

   In the Spring of 1964 was born, on the banks of the Itapecerica River, the "Nightingales Choir of Divin�polis", by the efforts of its creator, the conductor Tonico Gontijo.
   Dedicating their praise songs to God and cultivating pearls of the repertoire erudite or popular, they go on captivating people from everywhere.
   They have already performed shows in Germany, Austria, Spain, The United States, France, England, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, besides countless Brazilian cities.

Pequenos Rouxinóis - Um canto para todos os momentos.
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