This is me cracking up! I�m about 2 months old here, just learning how to smile and laugh, but I used to play a game with Daddy � every time he tried to take my picture, I�d stop smiling! So Mommy held me across the room while Daddy zoomed in for this shot. Tricky Daddy!

This is me grinning like crazy while watching Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato do their thing.

This is me being cute so that Mommy will take my picture! Looks like it worked.

This is me wearing Clancy as a hat! Mommy thought that was hysterical, so she asked Daddy to take this picture. As you can see from the picture, I think it�s pretty funny too!

This is me kicking back after the Dr. Seuss exhibit! Daddy�s about to find out I have a big surprise for him � I peed right through my sweatpants! Sorry, Daddy!

Here�s another shot of me kicked back while I�m eating!

This is me eating again! There are lots of pictures here of me eating, but then again, if you took out all the pictures of me eating or sleeping, we wouldn�t have a Website anymore!

Mommy took this picture of me lying on the couch in our living room. I�m not ready for solid food yet, so I make do by chomping on my fingers.

This is me showing off how I can play with my feet! You have no idea how much fun my feet are.

This is me as my super hero alter-ego, Super Cillian! Actually this is me getting ready for a bath, and I�ve just managed to spin my bib around to the back. You�d be surprised how often I manage that.

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