Here�s one of Mommy�s favorite pictures of me! Lots of times I�ll stop being cute right when she grabs the camera, but this time I was having too much fun to stop.

Here's another shot of me in my high chair. Sometimes I like to chew on the bottle rather than actually drink out of it. It's a wonder anything ever gets into my stomach.

This is me catching a nap on the couch and doing my best Al Bundy impersonation!

This is me sleeping (and drooling) on Mommy's shoulder sometime during Christmas week! We didn't get nearly as much work done on my site as I hoped we would, but we're back at it now!

Here's me when most of my hair fell out after I was born! Someone get me a hat!

Here's me in my snowsuit! This suit keeps me warm even when it's very cold, but it's very hard to move around in. I feel like Randy from "A Christmas Story!" Special thanks to Stagehand for making sure I didn't fall over while this picture was taken.

This is what you get when you take my picture too many times - a raspberry! (That's a Bronx Cheer to our New York friends.) Everybody has a limit, and I just hit mine!

Here's me making another funny face for the camera!

Here's me as a little guy lying in my bassinet! Believe it or not, but my stylist used to work for the Little Rascals.

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