Here's some old school pictures of me when I was first born! Can you believe I used to be such a little guy? I didn't even know anything about computers back then! I sure have come a long way.

Here's me getting angry right after I was born! I'm usually pretty even-tempered, but after being poked and prodded for all that time I lost my temper! You can see my cool hat in the corner of the bassinet -- Daddy picked out a green one so that I would stand out from all the blue and pink hats that everyone else picked out. Plus it just looks cool!

Here's me when I was still in the hospital! I slept a lot in there because I'm not a big fan of the hospital. They kept trying to wrap me up in blankets, but I'd always fight my way free!

Here's Mommy holding me in her hospital room! I was just a little guy then, but I sure have grown fast! Check out some more of my pictures to see how much I've grown since then!


Here's me chilling in my birthday hat! That's actually a hat that Mommy put some stickers on because I wouldn't wear the party hat she picked out. I'm very particular about what goes on my head! Besides, I had lots of fun flying around the park with my propeller.

Here's a picture of some of the very cool people who came to my party! Left to right: Jordan Dillow, Colby Dillow, Ashley Herman, Kaleb Herman, Alissa Herman.

Here's my Aunt Becki cheesing it up for the camera!

Here's me chilling with Uncle Clark! My party was an all-day event, and when you're a little guy you have to pace yourself.

Here's me chilling out with my cake! It got very windy sometimes during my party -- just check out the balloon tied to my chair! Looks like it's trying to get away!

Check out this cake! It's actually made up of cupcakes that were placed very close together to look like a cake. That way no one had to slice!

Mommy and Daddy got me my own special little cake so that I could dive in with both hands -- and I did! But it felt really icky, so I kinda freaked out a little bit. Good thing Daddy was there -- he got cake all over himself when he pulled me out of the chair to comfort me. Sorry about your shirt, Daddy!

Here's some pics of Mommy helping me open my presents! I managed to stay awake the whole time this time, unlike Christmas. There were so many presents to open I never would have gotten through all of them without Mommy's help. Thanks, Mommy!

Here's me with the Johnny Cash onesie that Uncle John got for me! Johnny Cash was one of the coolest people ever, and now I get to dress like him! Just call me the Toddler in Black!

Uncle John has made it his mission to make sure I have the best classic metal collection of any baby on my block. That's why he got me a copy of Iron Maiden's "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son!" Time to rock out!

Here's me trying to lift my Play Gym up! I couldn't get it off the ground, so I've got some serious working out to do once this is ready to go! Plus we can fill it with water, so I can splash around in it!

What's it like to be a cat? Daddy says cats have it made because someone gives them their food and cleans up for them when they go potty. Sounds like me! But I'm sure there's more to being a cat than that, and I'm going to find out what it is!

More books! They make great books for babies with pages that can't be torn out. I try anyway, though.

Here's me with my gumball machine! Actually it spits out little play balls, not gumballs, but it's still very cool. I don't have enough teeth for gumballs anyway!

Here's a classic -- "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!" Daddy and Uncle John both read that book about a million times when they were kids. Now I have my very own copy!

I didn't just get presents - I got lots of card too! Here's Mommy reading one to me while I hold my sippy cup.

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