Christmas 2006 was the best Christmas ever! I had so much fun opening presents, looking at the tree, and watching "A Christmas Story" 900 times that I almost threw up on myself. I hope you guys had a great Christmas too!

Here are some great pictures of our Christmas here at the Doyle house, plus some pictures we got from the O'Hara family! And it's not too late to have your Christmas pictures included -- just send them to Mommy and she'll add them to this page!

Also, a big thank you to everyone who sent gifts and cards! It sure was exciting seeing the presents pile up under the tree and the arrangement of cards grow and grow. Mommy helped me send out some thank-you notes to everyone, and I sure hope I remembered to send them all out! My memory is pretty good for a seven-month-old, but if I missed you, just let Mommy know and I'll send one out.

Enough from me -- go ahead and check out the pictures!

This is me sitting in front of the tree and the presents, pretending I'm a frog! I'm wearing my "My First Christmas" jammies.

Here's a picture of our tree! Our tree is 9 feet tall, which means it's almost three times as tall as Mommy! You can see our mistletoe in this picture as well, which has real toes!

Here's me watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," which is required viewing in our house! I wanted to have roast beast for Christmas dinner, but Daddy bought a turkey.

Here's me wearing Daddy's Santa hat! Daddy's head is huge, so we had to snap this picture real quick before his hat slid down over my eyes.

Here's Mommy helping me open one of my presents! It took me all day to open my presents - literally! Fortunately Uncle John and Daddy started helping me around 7:30 p.m. or so, or we'd still be opening presents! I'm really good at tearing paper, but it sure is tiring.

Here's yet another present! By the time I was done our living room was covered with shredded wrapping paper.

Here's me with one of my favorite presents: Metallica's first CD, "Kill 'Em All!" We call this picture "Cill 'Em All!" Uncle John said he's going to get one classic heavy metal CD for me for Christmas each year, so I can't wait for next Christmas!

Here's me and the big guy in a post-Christmas daze! Even the frog on my bib looks tired. And check out the reindeer hat that Mommy put on one of her pigs! Mommy is so funny.

This is me hanging out on New Year's Eve! I had a great time even though I didn't know what was going on.

Merry Christmas, O'Haras!

Here's a pic of the O'Haras on Christmas! That's Mike and Melanie in the back, and the twins, Erik and Ashley, up front.

Here's a picture of Erik and Ashley with their Grandma, my Great-Aunt Sharon!

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