On October 28, 2006, Mommy and Daddy took me to see a Dr. Seuss exhibit at an art gallery right here in downtown Frederick, MD!

Who would think that Frederick even has an art gallery? But there it was, and I got to see lots of cool Dr. Seuss stuff! Check this out:

This is me with some of the artwork from �Green Eggs and Ham!� Mommy calls this picture �Green Eggs and Cillian.�

This is me and Mommy hanging out with the Lorax! He speaks for the trees!

Here�s me again in front of a really crazy painting that Dr. Seuss did! These fishies remind me of the fishies that hang from the mobile on the swing that Uncle John got for me.

This is called Seuss taxidermy! Can you imagine having some of these animals on your wall?

This is me hanging out with the main man!

Here are some more cool pictures from the Dr. Seuss exhibit!

And to find out more about Dr. Seuss, check out his Website!

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