This is me freezing my butt off at the ALS Walk in Hagerstown, MD! It was only Oct. 7, but for some reason it was very cold that day.


On Saturday, November 11, Daddy, Grandma, and Uncle John took Mommy to the Irish Festival in Timonium, Maryland for her birthday! Happy birthday, Mommy!

This is me hanging out with Daddy after he and Mommy ate dinner - a big plate of (what else?) ham, potatoes, and cabbage! Daddy made his arm into a chair so I could sit down while we looked around.

This picture is me with our family's crest! As you can see, I'm wearing a stylish green bib to keep with the dress code. I never saw so much green in my life!

This is one of the bands that played at the Irish Festival. This is as close as Daddy could get to take a picture because these guys pulled a huge crowd!


This is me showing off for Mommy how I can eat my hand and play with my foot at the same time. Mommy took this picture while we were at Beef O'Brady's. This was my first trip to a sports bar.


This is me during my first visit to a Burger King! I'm wearing a very cool and stylish Burger King crown, which is a rare item and hard to find.


Here's me on my first trip to a pet store, hanging out with a parrot! I didn't see any kitties or puppies that day, but I did get to see parakeets, hamsters, mice, snakes, spiders, and lots of fishies, one of which was swimming upside down! Silly fishie!

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