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About Me

  ~ Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. ~
~Abraham J. Heschel ~
Family is an enormous part of who I am, as I begin to grow into a young responsible adult, I can see through others that my family should be cherished, it is a constant reminder of the blessings that God has given me. Even my friends have always somehow reminded me that I do love my family a lot more than I show. My family has always been close knit, especially on my mother�s side. I can�t remember a time when we haven�t seen my grandparents at least twice a month...okay maybe once, but it was a special situation. Even in the extreme seasons (summer and winter), the dress code was pack whatever the weather called for and a bathing suit, because you�re going to need it. In the later years, when we weren�t swimming in the pool, which was almost never, we could swim in the spa, which was fun; even on a warm summer night.
  Recently I have had the blessing of meeting my grandmother (on my father�s side) after some-teen years, and I must say that it was a true blessing. I remember the last few days she was here with us we went to the Crystal Cathedral. It was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen, and gorgeous beyond my most inner complexities; I was stunned. That day it was raining, but it didn�t put a damper on our spirits, we sincerely enjoyed it. If you haven�t been there you must go! It will be such a blessing, even if you aren�t religious go, the whole building is made of glass and steel. You don�t want to miss out, trust me.
  Moving on...I do have pet peeves, weird ones too. The top three come easily, and they irritate me just thinking about it. At the top of my list is eating habits, well just one. If I can hear you eat and you are close to me, prepare to hear it. That�s nasty, close your mouth and stop humming when you eat your Raisinnette�s. Grr. Hehehe....the second one is locking the bathroom door in the morning when you are brushing your hair/teeth, etc...I live in a house with four women, one of them is my mother so she gets the privilege of having her own bathroom, but when the only bathroom that I can use is locked and the person in there doesn�t have the immediate need to have it locked (i.e. not using "it"), it bakes my cookies. The third one is talking in a movie theatre...during the movie. I don�t understand it, there are other people in the theatre who actually WANT to hear the movie, ALL of the movie, when they disrupt it without a care, and CONTINUE to do it throughout the movie; it burns my broccoli. The same goes with talking through the actual portion of a TV show, but staying quiet through the commercials. Of course, as *sweet* and mild-mannered as I am, :cough: yeah right, :cough: I, hehe, don�t say anything, although my face probably speaks a thousand words.
  To wrap up this little tidbit I would like to say that I hope you have found at least *some* insight into who I am, I would hate to think that after all of my ramblings you didn�t learn a thing about me (which can be entirely true since I did tend to I�m doing now).

Until Next Time.




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