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About Me

  ~ Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. ~
~Abraham J. Heschel ~
Warning: When I am in one of my poetic spells, as I am now, I tend to drift off into a tangent and sometimes I don�t make sense, so if you still care to read the mystery that is me, you will have to just go along for the ride; and boy, it's a doozy.

  I am young, but older for my time. When I was younger I used to say that my mind was older than my body. It still is, but I think the body is catching up, which in a way is scary. I do enjoy life, not to the fullest extent, by no means am I a Romantic, but I do have my moments. I move a lot, not necessarily great distances, but from time to time my family and I pack up our things and we move. There are reasons that we move, but none I can figure out, except for maybe one, that we stay in the same general area. If it were up to me, I would probably move across the world, which is why it�s not.

I am an artist, in every sense of the word. I enjoy all forms of art, mostly poetry, singing, and theatre, but you can always find doodles of miscellaneous things in my folder. The only aspect of art that is not one of my favorites is dancing. Unless it�s ballroom or a close relative, I tend to shy away. Not that I don�t have any rhythm, it�s just I find it hard to adjust to the raw sexual gyrations of my generation. I happily tend to follow the flow of the dances that precede my time. Obviously I don�t go dancing often. My music choices seem to follow a similar pattern, sort of. When I was young I was listening to Mariah, Mozart and Muzak, rather than Metallica and Public Enemy, which didn�t mean anything then, but as I grew older I grew fonder of ballads and Classical music, and I recklessly stayed in this false realm of originality, rather than trying to keep up with the times.
  As I grew older I did however begin to expand my horizons, I thirsted for something out of classical and R&B, and after many miserable failures, I found Electronica/Techno, but before that I found gospel. I grew up in church, and even though straying is easy when you are a kid, I never let go of whom I belonged to and who I had to represent on a daily basis. Although one would not think it, inside this further tore me apart from my generation; while they were singing "Genie in A Bottle" I was singing "Amazing Grace", and while they were cried the close relative of "Gosh darn it", I preferred "God bless you." In no way am I saying that I have not, and do not stumble and fall, I am nowhere NEAR perfect, but I just tried to at best follow the rules that I was taught at a young age and that has molded me and continues to mold me into the person that I am, which constantly needs work and forgiveness. Unfortunately, the other kids found that insanely peculiar therefore resulting in me having few friends. Even in my loneliness as a child, I did find it a blessing because I could tell easily who my true friends were. Through the many schools that I have traveled through I still managed to find my niche so that I am not completely isolated from the world. One of the things that I have learned over the years is that all things grow with time, and the most precious of things need more than patience, they need love.
  I was introduced to the thing that changed my life forever, my computer, when I was 5 or so. I "evolved" from DOS and Windows 3.1 to NT/ME and XP, in the time period of about ten years. It makes me think in another ten years, if I have kids in ten years; they are going to laugh at the thought of someone actually trying to USE an ancient thing called Windows XP. They�ll say "You�re still using a computer?!?! With XP?!?! Why don�t you use this super-mega-complexatron 50000 that you bought me for Christmas?" 'So THAT�S what that was, I thought it was a vacuum cleaner...' Okay, I have a weird sense of humor, if you can call it that. The internet changed me a lot, when I was 12 I wanted to make a website, and I have made a few, all of them on Sailor Moon, which is still a habit of mine. Most of the layouts were all pre-made by some other person, but I did quickly figure out how to use HTML and customize what I had, although if I happen to find a talented person to do my SM layout for me, I�ll mull it over for a while, and make my decision later. I think that my favorite types of layouts all revolve around this miraculous discovery we call I-frames. A lot of people would disagree with me, but I don�t care, everybody has a different taste for things.




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