1.  Ant: There is a particular variety of ants that inhabit the rain forests near Schendi. They are referred to as the "marchers." Essentially, this is a huge mass of black ants that move through the jungles. The ants usually form a column that is about a yard wide but that could be pasangs in length. The column widens only when food is found. It may then spread up to five hundred feet wide. To cross small streams, the ants will make a bridge of themselves. During a rain, they will separate and seek shelter, reforming after the rains stop. A knowledge individual could guide the marchers on a specific path. The bite of these ants is extremely painful but not poisonous.

2.  Anteater: There are six varieties of anteaters in the rain forests near Schendi. One type is the great spined anteater. It is about twenty feet long and has heavy clawed forefeet. These claws are generally used to break into termite nests, its primary prey. They are also strong enough to eviscerate a larl. The anteater's four-foot long tongue is coated with an adhesive saliva that it uses to collect them. It also commonly makes a whistling sound.

3.  Bee: Honeybees are domestically raised for their honey. Though the books only depicted an instance of such breeding in Torvaldsland, the wide availability of honey throughout Gor seems to support bee keeping in many other regions.

4.  Beetle: One variety of beetle known to exist on Gor is the marsh beetle.

5.  Bint: There are two types of bints. One is a small, carnivorous freshwater fish like a piranha that inhabits the rivers of the rain forests. A large school of these bints can strip a carcass bare in minutes. The other type is a fanged, carnivorous marsh eel.

6.  Bosk: There are fifteen varieties of bosk, a cattle like animal. These varieties include the brown bosk, red bosk, and milk bosk. They are commonly the long-haired wild ox of the plains. They have a thick, humped neck, a wide head, and tiny red eyes. They also have the temper of a sleen. With their two, long, wicked horns they can be quite deadly. The horns reach out and suddenly curve forward and may even reach the length of two spears. They are very important animals to the Wagon Peoples and also many others on Gor. Bosk meat and milk is available over much of Gor.

7.  Carp, Vosk

8.  Centipede

9.  Clam, Tamber: Their polished shells are generally used in making cheap jewelry though certain shells can be quite valuable.

10.  Crayfish

11.  Cuttlefish

12.  Deer: A swift type of deer lives in the north areas.

13.  Eels: There are several varieties including dock eels, river eels, black eels, spotted eels, carnivorous eels, and Vosk eels. The dock eel is a black freshwater fish, commonly about four feet long and weighing eight to ten pounds. They are carnivorous, living in the shallow waters around the docks of most river ports.

14.  Finches

15.  Fisher, Ushindi: A tufted waterbird of the rain forests near Schendi. It has long white feathers and long legs.

16.  Fleer: The fleer is a large, hook billed bird that hunts at night. There are two types, the prairie fleer and the long-billed fleer. The prairie fleer lives in the Barrens and is a yellow bird with long wings and a sharp bill. It is both gregarious and voracious. It is sometimes called the maize or corn bird from the belief that it is usually the first bird to find food. The long-billed fleer live in the rain forests.
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