17.  Flies: There are many types of Gor including sand flies, arctic flies, and sting flies. Sand flies live in the Tahari and appear after the rains. The flies in the arctic are black and long-winged. Sting flies, also known as needle flies in the southern regions, usually live in deltas and similar wet areas. They generally lay their eggs on the stems of rence plants. They tend to be attracted to eyes and cause a painful sting. Several stings can cause nausea and a swelling that will go away after a few Ahn. But, in great numbers they can kill. The hatching time is the most dangerous period and last for four to five days. Luckily, that season is predictable so can be easily avoided.

18.  Frevet: These are small, quick, and friendly mammalian insectivores. They sometimes live in insulae in the cities and eat pests. As they cannot eat through walls, then they do not harm the insulae.

19.  Fruit tindel: This is a brightly plumaged bird that inhabits the rain forests near Schendi.

20.  Gants: There are a few different types of these birds. The marsh gant is a small, horned, web-footed aquatic fowl. It is broad-billed and broad-winged. Its call is a kind of piping whistle. Rence growers tame them and also eat them. The jungle gant is a bird of the rain forests related to the marsh gant. The migratory arctic gant nests in the Hrimgar mountains in steep, rocky outcroppings called bird cliffs. Their eggs may be frozen and eaten like apples.

21.  Gatch, armored: This is a marsupial that lives in the rain forests near Schendi.

22.  Giani: These are solitary, prowling, tiny cat-sized panthers. They live in the rain forests near Schendi and are not dangerous to man.

23.  Gims: This bird comes in several varieties. The horned gim is a small owl-like bird, about four ounces in weight, that inhabits the forests of northern Gor. It migrates from the Plains of Turia late in the spring. The lang gim is an insectivorous bird that lives in the rain forests. The yellow gim also resides in the rain forests. Most gims make a throaty warbling.

24.  Gint: There are two types of gints. One is a tiny, six-inch freshwater fish inhabiting the rain forests. It has bulbous eyes and flipper-like fins. It is amphibious and capable of walking on its pectorals. It is often found feeding off the scraps of tharlarion kills. It is similar to the Earth lungfish. They sun themselves on exposed roots near the river, remaining close to the water. They may even rest on the backs of resting or sleeping tharlarion. There is also a giant gint in the rain forests that is about ten feet long, weighs a thousand pounds and has a four-spined  dorsal fin.

25.  Gitches: These are insects that cause a painful bite. Some can grow quite large.

26.  Goat

27.  Golden Beetle: One of the most unique and dangerous creatures in the Nest is the Golden Beetle, that lives in the unlit caverns beneath the Sardar caves of the Priest-Kings. This is an insect the size of a rhinoceros. Its back seems divided into two thick casings which once long ago might have been horny wings but which have fused into a thick, immobile golden shell. It has glowing eyes and its head can almost withdraw beneath the shell. It can still use its jaws when its head is beneath the shell. It has two multiply-hooked, hollow, pincer like extensions that meet at the tips about a yard beyond its body. These suck a creature's fluids out. Its antennae are very short, curved and topped with a fluff of golden hair. There are also several long, golden strands that extend from its head over its domed back and fall almost to the floor behind it. Its bite has a paralytic venom. It hisses and can move fast but only for a brief time. Its greatest weapon is that it exudes an odor, somewhat oppressive, that induces sleep in people nearby. This is even effective on Priest-Kings. Its primary food is Priest-Kings. It lays its eggs, each about the size of a fist, in a host. The egg has leathery shell and the baby is the size of a child's turtle. The host will not die if the eggs are removed before they hatch.
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