29.  Grasshopper: In the rain forests, there is a red grasshopper that weighs about four ounces in weight.

30.  Grub borer: This is an insectivorous bird of the rain forests near Schendi.

31.  Grunt: There are a few different types of this fish. One type is a large, carnivorous salt-water fish that inhabits Thassa. It is often attracted to the scent of blood like a shark. The blue grunt is a small, voracious, carnivorous freshwater fish also attracted to blood. It is particularly dangerous during the daylight hours preceding its mating periods. During its mating period, they are harmless. They are also more of a threat when they school and not when a solitary individual is encountered. The white-bellied grunt is a large game fish which feeds on parsit fish.

32.  Gulls: Vosk gulls and Schendi gulls are two types of this bird. Vosk gulls migrate north from the southern hemisphere in the spring time when the ice breaks in the Vosk River. Schendi gulls nest on land at night.

33.  Herlit: This is the Gorean eagle. It is also called Sun-Striker or Out-of-the-Sun-it-Strikes, from its habit of striking with the sun above and behind it. It lives in the Barrens. It has a wingspan of six to eight feet and stands about four feet high. It is carnivorous. It has yellow feathers tipped with black. It has fifteen tail feathers which are the mostly highly prized of its feathers. They are fourteen to fifteen inches long and used by the Red Savages to mark coups. The wing, or pinion, feathers are used for ceremonial and religious purposes. The breath feathers, light and delicate, from the base of the bird's tail, are used with the tail feathers in the fashioning of bonnets and complex headdresses. Feathers from the right side of the tail are used in the right side of the headdress and the left side used in the left side. To make a headdress requires several birds. Two to five Herlits may be traded for a kaiila.

34.  Hermit bird: This is a yellow-breasted bird similar to a woodpecker. It hunts for larvae in tur trees.

35.  Hinti: These are small, flea like insects though they are not parasites.

36.  Hith: This is the huge, many banded python of Gor. The great banded, horned hith is the most feared constrictor but is only native to certain areas of the Great Forests. The golden hith is a rare snake. Its body would be difficult for a grown man to encircle with his arms.

37.  Hurlit, Forest: A bird that migrates from the Plains of Turia late in the spring.

38.  Hurt: This is a two-legged, domesticated marsupial that bounds like a kangaroo. It is raised on ranches in several northern cities, herded by sleen and sheared for their white wool. Hurts replace their wool four times a year. The finest wool is sheared in the spring from the bellies of hurts and verr.

39.  Jard: This is a small, yellow-winged scavenger bird of the rain forests. There is a variety in the north that flies in large flocks and can strip a carcass quickly.
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