Ar: This might be the largest and most glorious city on Gor. It is situated low in the temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere. The city is located south of the Vosk River and north of the Cartius River. Ar claims the land between the Vosk and the Cartius. Ar tarnsmen do not fly south of the Cartius. There is a swamp forest to the north border of Ar. Ar is the hereditary enemy of Ko-ro-ba. It is also an enemy of Cos and Tyros. Ar claims the southern shore of the Vosk. As Ar has no port, the Vosk is very important. Ar is a central city containing the Home Stones of a dozen other cities. It has become an empire. It is composed of more than a hundred thousand cylinders and bridges. Its population is thought to be about two to three million free people.

Ar's Station: This was established around 10114 C.A., by the city of Ar, as an outpost and trading station on the south bank of the Vosk River. It commands the northern terminus of the Viktel Aria (Ar's Triumph), also known as the Vosk Road.

Argentum: This city is an ally of Ar and an enemy of Corcyrus and Cos. Argentum is very southwest of Ar. Cladius is Ubar of Argentum. The city claims ownership of nearby silver mines that might be as rich as those of Tharna.

Bazi: This is a free coastal port which make commerce possible with Cos and Tyros and the land based cities. The people are brown skinned. It was struck by a plague for a couple years.

Besnit: This is a small city within a hundred pasangs of Esalinus and Harfax. It is an ally of Harfax. Besnit does not upkeep its roads in order to isolate itself. It is next to impossible to reach the city in the spring due to the rains.

Brundisium: This is a port on the coast of Thassa, a hundred pasangs or so south of the Vosk delta. It was initially an ally of Ar but was conquered by Cos during the Cos/Ar war. There are eleven towers in the city and it is one of the largest and busiest ports in its area.

Clearus: This is a village in the realm of Tor.

Corcyrus: This is a city southwest of Ar, and to the east and somewhat north of Argentum. The ocean is more than one thousand pasangs to the west. It was once ruled by Sheila, a Tatrix. It was allied with Cos.

Esalinus: This city is within a hundred pasangs of Besnit and Harfax.

Fina: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located east of Ar's Station.

Forest Port: This town is a part of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank and is east of Ar's Station.

Fort Haskins: Located at the foot of the Boswell Pass, this is a military outpost of Thentis though it has now become mostly a trading post.

Fortress of Saphronicus: This is a small merchant polis and it has four tributary villages.

Hammerfest: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Station.

Harfax: This city is within a hundred pasangs of Besnit and Esalinus. It is an ally of Besnit.

Helmutsport: This is a free coastal port.

Hochburg: This is a mountain fortress in the southern Voltai.

Holmesk: Located one hundred pasangs south of the Vosk, this is the winter camp of the forces of Ar.
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