Iskander: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is east of Ar's Station and Forest Port.

Jasmine: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Station, Jort's Ferry and Point Alfred.

Jort's Ferry: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank and is west of Ar's Station.

Kailiauk: This town is the easternmost town at the foot of the Thentis mountains. It lies almost at the edge of the Ihanke, or Boundary, which marks the start of the lands of the red savages. The Administrator is a Merchant named Publius Crassus. Its major business is in hides and kaiila.

Kasra: This is a river port on the Lower Fayeen. It is downriver from Kurtzal and west of Tor. It is famed on Gor for its production of red salt. The salt is brought in from secret pits and mines in heavy cylinders on pack kaiila.

Kassau: This is a town at the northern brink of the great forests of Gor. It is northwest of the Thentis mountains. It is the seat of the High Initiate of the north who claims spiritual sovereignty over Torvaldsland. The town is constructed mostly of wood. The temple is the greatest building in the town. The town is surrounded by a wall with two gates. One large gate faces the inlet, leading in from Thassa. The small gate leads to the forest behind the town. Its main business is trade, lumber and fishing. The trade is largely in furs from the north, exchanged for weapons, ironbars, salt and luxury items from the south. It has a population of about eleven hundred people. Gurt is the Administrator of Kassau.

Ko-ro-ba: This city lies northwest of the Thentis Mountains. The Sardar is over one thousand pasangs away. It is also northwest of Ar, across the Vosk. Ko-ro-ba is an archaic expression for a village market. The city is also known as the Towers of the Morning. Its Administrator is Matthew Cabot, the father of Tarl Cabot. He was Earth-born and has been alive since before 1640 A.D. He was the Ubar at one time. The city was destroyed by the Priest-Kings once but was permitted to be rebuilt.

Kurtzal: This village is north of Tor. It is little more than a loading and shipping point on the Lower Fayeen.

Lara: This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. It is located at the confluence of the Vosk and Olni Rivers.

Laura: This city is northeast of Koroba, on the banks of Laurius river. It is two hundred pasangs inland from the Thassa coast. It is a small trading city. The city consists mostly of warehouses and taverns, a clearing house for many goods. It is the only civilized area in the region. Mostly rough goods sold in the city as there is little market for the more exquisite goods of Gor.

Lydius: This is a free coastal port controlled by the Merchant Caste. It is located at the mouth of the Laurius River where it empties into Thassa. It is one of the few cities in the north with public baths. It also has the only mint within one thousand pasangs of Torvaldsland. Many cities maintain warehouses and small communities in Lydius. Many goods, particularly wood, wood products and hides, make their way westward on the Laurius, eventually landing at Lydius. The first major town east of Lydius is Vonda on the Olni River.

Market of Semris: This town is located about two days southeast of Samnium. It is well known for its sales of tarsks.

Minus: This is a village under the control of Ar.

Point Alfred: This town is a part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar's Station and Jort's Ferry.
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