Sulport: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located far west of Ar's Station.

Tabuk's Ford: This is a large village located in the basin area of the Verl River. It is four hundred pasangs generally north and slightly west of Ar. It is twenty pasangs west of the Vosk Road. The village contains about forty families. Thurnus is the peasant caste leader and Melina is his free companion. It is a rich village known for sleen breeding.

Tafa: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located far east of Ar's Station.

Tancred's Landing: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is downriver on the Olni and near Lara. It is located east of Ar's Station, Forest Port, and Iskander..

Tarnburg: This city is a mountain fortress in the southern range of the Voltai. It is about two hundred pasangs northwest of Hochburg. The legendary mercenary captain, Dietrich, is from here.

Tarnwald: A city of unknown location. The mercenary known as Edgar is from this city.

Teslit: This is a small village on route to Holmesk, halfway to the Vosk.

Tetrapoli: This polity is part of the Vosk League. It is much further west on the river than Ar's Station. It began as four separate towns, Ri, Teibar, Heiban and Azdak. Legend states that the towns were formed by four brothers. The towns eventually consolidated into a polity, the four districts maintaining the same names. The expression "tetrapoli" means "four cities" or "four towns.".

Tharna: This city was once ruled by a Tatrix and women dominated. A revolution came about though and changed everything. Now, there are very few free women in Tharna. Kron, once a metal worker, is currently the Administrator. Tharna owns many valuable silver mines and is sometimes called he City of Silver.

Thentis: This city is remote in the mountains from which it takes its name. It is famed for its tarn flocks. It is one day by tarn from Ko-ro-ba to Thentis, but by wagon it would take the better part of a month. It has some silver mines but they are not as rich as Tharna..

Ti: This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. It lies on the Olni River, a tributary of the Vosk, north of Tharna. Ti is ruled by Ebullius Gaius Cassius, an Administrator and Warrior. It is the largest and most populous city of the Salerian Confederation. 

Tor: This city lies in the northwest corner of the Tahari. It is an opulent city of the desert, well known for its splendors, comforts and pleasures. It is also the principal supply point for the oasis communities of the Wastes. The buildings are of mud brick, covered with colored, often flaking, plaster. The buildings are rarely more than four stories high. Thousands of caravan merchants are headquartered here and much of the city is organized to support the caravan trade. The city is built in concentric circles broken by numerous, narrow crooked streets.

Torcodino: This is a crossroads city located on the flats of Serpeto. It is located at the intersection of various routes, the Genesian, Northern Salt Line (runs east to west), Northern Silk Road (runs south to north), the Pilgrim's Road (leads to the Sardar), and Eastern Way (also known as the Treasure Road, links the western cities with Ar). It once was an ally of Ar but in the Ar/Cosian war changed sides. Two aqueducts bring water to the city from more than one hundred pasangs away, one from the Issus, a northwestwardly flowing tributary of the Vosk and the other from springs in the Hills of Eteocles, southwest of Corcyrus.
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