Treve: This is a bandit city located high in the crags of the Voltai. Few know its exact location and it is said you can only reach it by tarn. They do not grow food and raid the harvests of others. They live by plunder. Their tarnsmen rank with those of Thentis and Ko-ro-ba. It is alleged to lie some seven hundred pasangs north of Ar and toward the Sardar. There are no trade routes to the city. It even has some silver mines. It is also known as the Tarn of the Voltai. Merchants and ambassadors are brought to the city only under conduct, hooded and in bonds.

Turia: This great city is called the Ar of the south. It is located in the southern hemisphere, lying in the midst of huge prairies claimed by the Wagon Peoples. It is a high walled, nine-gated city said to be indolent and luxury-loving. It is ruled by Phanius Turmus. They calculate their years from summer solstice to summer solstice. The true power of Turia lies with the Caste of Merchants. Hundreds of caravans and thousands of merchants come here each year. It had never been conquered until recently by Kamchak, Ubar of the Wagon Peoples. Much of the city was burned during the conquest but the People departed Turia and allowed it to be rebuilt.

Stones of Turmus: This once was a Turian outpost merchant fort and trading station. It had high white outer walls, over eighty feet high and six towers on the walls. It was eventually burnt by men of Treve.

Turmus: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is the last major river port on the Vosk before the nearly impassable marshes of the delta. It is on the northern bank of the Vosk..

Ven: This small city is part of the Vosk League. It is a river port on the southern bank of the Vosk. It is the last town to the west on the south bank until the delta. Ven is at the junction of the Ta-Thassa Cartius and the Vosk.

Venna: This is a small, exclusive resort city, located about two hundred pasangs north of Ar. It is noted for its fine baths and tharlarion races. Venna has many small and fine shops, catering to the wealthy. The Telluria section, in the northwest part of the city, on a hill, is the preferred residential section.

Victoria: This city is the capital of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank, east of Ar's Station. It once was a den of thieves, a market and slave town. Most of the pirates and thieves have been run out of the town. Tasdron is the Administrator.

Vonda: This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. It is located downriver of the Olni River. Vonda has no tarnsmen.

Vosk League: The League was formed in 10127 C.A. and consists of nineteen towns located on the Vosk River. These include Port Cos, Victoria, Turmus, Ven, Tetrapoli, Tafa, Fina, Ragnar's Hamlet, Hammerfest, Sulport, Sais, Siba, Jasmine, Point Alfred, Jort's Ferry, Forest Port, Iskander, Tancred's Landing and White Water. Ar did not permit Ar's Station to join the League. Its headquarters are in Victoria. Its purpose is to protect against river piracy. After the Vosk League was formed, institutionalized piracy on the Vosk had been largely removed. The topaz used to be a pledge symbol, used among pirates, when combining for massive assaults. The topaz was captured by the Vosk League and now is a private pledge between Port Cos and Ar's Station. The topaz is broken into two fragments of polished stone. When joined together, the discolorations on each piece make the picture of a river galley.

White Water: This town is part of the Vosk League. It is downriver of the Olni and near Lara. It is the farthest east town and is on northern bank..
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