Ale : Gorean Ale is closer to a Honey Lager than to an ale or beer...a deep gold in color, and brewed from the grains of Gor and hops imported from earth in the early years. It is traditionally served in tankards or horns. "Marauders of Gor" p. 82-83, 99, 191, and 194

Bazi tea : an herbal beverage served hot & heavily sugared; traditionally drunk 3 tiny cups at a time, in rapid succession. "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 38

Beer, Rence : steeped and fermented from the pith and crushed seeds of the rence plant, it is a drink of the rence growers of the Delta of the Vosk. "Raiders of Gor" p. 18

Black wine : coffee; traditionally served with white and yellow sugars and powdered bosk milk, and in tiny cups, although in most taverns it is served in mugs. It is grown on the slopes of Thentis it is thought to have come from Urth on a slave acquisition run. If asked to serve it second slave means to serve it black. "Beasts of Gor" p. 20-21

Breeding wine : a sweet beverage which counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slave girl fertile; also called second wine, it is made from the extract of the teslik plant. "Blood Brothers of Gor" p. 319

Chocolate : made from beans brought back on one of the early Voyages of Acquisition, this is the same as the chocolate of Earth.It is served in higher class establishments. " Kajira of Gor" p. 42 and 61

Falarian Wine : an exquisite, rare, fabulously expensive wine, it's cost would purchase a city. It's existence is only rumored among collectors. "Mercenaries of Gor" p. 158-159

Fermented Milk Curds : A Tuchuk drink, made from fermented bosk milk curds. "Nomads of Gor" p. 28

Ka-la-na : a very potent dry red wine, made from the fruit of the Ka-la-na tree. Like the wines of earth the quality of ka-la-na varies from that of a common table wine to premium brands such as the very expensive 'Slave Gardens of Anesidemus' and 'Boleto's Nectar', a medium-grade wine. Ar is particularly noted for it's production of fine ka-la-na. Ka-la-na wine is reported to have an aphrodisiac effect on females. "Tarnsman of Gor" p. 26, 79, 96, 168

Kal-da or cal-da : alcoholic beverage made of ka- la-na wine diluted with citrus juices such as tospit and larma and mixed with strong spices, and served hot. "Outlaw of Gor" p. 76, 78, 80 and 226

Liana Vine : a rainforest plant which can be used as a source of drinking water. "Explorers of Gor" p 310

Mead : the preferred beverage of the northland, made with fermented honey, water and spice, traditionally served in a large animal horn. "Marauders of Gor" p 78, 89 and 90

Mulled ka-la-na : Heated ka-la-na, with mulling spices. Usually garnished with a piece of ka-la-na fruit or tospit, served in a goblet. "Captive of Gor " pg 331

Paga : (abbr. of Pagar-Sa-Tarna, lit. 'pleasure of the life-daughter'): a grain based, distilled hard liquor akin to whiskey; sometimes served warm to very hot, this is the drink most often served in Taverns in a variety of vessels. "Raiders of Gor" p. 100, 102, 111 and 113

Palm Wine : drink mentioned briefly; no description available. "Explorers of Gor" p. 429
* Drinks Cont. *
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