Sand Kailla Milk : reddish and salty. High in ferrous sulfate. "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 72 Milk from the Sand Kaiila. It is reddish and salty and high in ferrous sulfate. Normally served in a cup.

Slave Wine : brewed from bitter herbs, acts as a contraceptive drunk once per month although a girl would not serve this wine a slave would be given this by her Master, later books show a type only needed to be drunk once and then needing "second wine" to conteract the effects. "Marauders of Gor" p. 23 and 83-84

Sul Paga : alcoholic beverage made from suls; akin to vodka. "Slave Girl of Gor" p/ 134 and 414 Distilled alcoholic drink made from suls; akin to vodka, served heated or room temperature in a footed bowl. It also symbolizes physical love (lust).

Ta-wine : a dry wine made from Ta grapes from the Isle of Cos, served at room temperature, or warm, in a tankard or goblet. "Tribesmen of Gor" p. 213

Turian Liquer :a thick, sweet liqueur from Turia, served in tiny glasses. These liqueurs are considered the best on Gor. "Guardsman of Gor" p. 237 & 259

Turian Wine : a thick syrupy wine so sweet and thick that is it said one can see a thumbprint on its surface. "Nomads of Gor" p. 84 A syrupy, highly sweetened wine common in Turia. Served room temperature or chilled in a goblet.

Water : spring water from the mountains or from the liana vine or carpet plants from the rain forest area inland of Schendi.

White Wine : a wine light in color and taste, it is not described in detail just as white wine. "Fighting Slave of Gor" p. 275-276
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