Tobacco: Tobacco is basically unknown on Gor. In the Sardar though, one person did grow some tobacco, imported from Earth. This is an extreme exception and tobacco does not exist anywhere outside the Sardar.

Tor Shrub: This shrub, found in the Vosk delta and elsewhere, is known by various different names. This name translates as "bright shrub" or "shrub of light." This shrub has abundant bright flowers, either yellow or white. It blooms in the fall season and does not grow higher than a man's waist.

Tospit: This is a yellowish-white peachlike fruit, about the size of a plum. It comes in either a short or long stemmed variety. The short stem is the more common variety and usually has an odd number of seeds. The rare, long-stemmed variety though does not. The tospit is a fairly hard-fleshed fruit and are very bitter but are often used sliced with honey, in syrups, or for their juices as a flavoring. They are good to protect seamen against disease and thus are sometimes called seamen's larma. It is easy to dry and store aboard a ship. The long-stemmed variety are not available until late in the summer.

Tur tree: This tree is a lofty, reddish tree that may grow to two hundred feet or more. It is similar to the redwoods of Earth. It is very common in the northern forests of Gor. The city of Turia derived its name from these trees. Legend states that a Tur tree was found on the southern plains near a spring. No one knows who wanted the tree there or why. A city then grew in that area and would become known as Turia.

Turl bush: This bush is used by the Red Savages of the Barrens to waterproof hides.

Tur-pah: This is a vinelike, tree parasite that lives on Tur trees. Its leaves, scarlet and ovate, are edible and are a main ingredient in sullage, a type of soup.

Vangis: This is an unknown type of fruit or vegetable. They are mentioned though never described in the novels.

Vegetables: There is a wide variety of vegetables grown on Gor. They include many types similar to Earth vegetables such as beans, cabbages, carrots, corn, onions, peas, peppers, pumpkins, radishes, squash, and turnips. There are also vegetables indigenous to Gor such as katch, korts, and suls.

Veminium: There are a couple different varieties of this flower. Generally, it refers to a blue wildflower commonly found in the lower ranges of Thentis Mountains. It can be used in the making of perfumes. There is also Desert Veminium which is a small purplish flower that grows on the edges of the Tahari region. It too can be used to create perfume. Both flowers can be boiled in water and the vapors can be condensed into an oil. In the Tahari, that oil is used to perfume water and such water is then used to wash one's eating hand before and after dinner.

Verr grass: This is a common type of brownish grass on Gor likely named as such because verr enjoy grazing on it.
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