Rep plant: This is a small, reddish woody bush. The seed pods of this bush contain a whitish, fibrous matter that can be used to make cloth. Rep is commercially grown in several areas, especially below Ar and above the equator. Rep cloth is cheap, strong and dyes well. It is a common fabric for slave livery and many Low Castes.

Sa-Tarna: This is a tall, yellow grain that is the staple crop of Gor. Sa-Tarna bread is a major product of this grain. Sa-Tarna grain also makes Pagar-Sa-Tarna, paga for short, a fermented brew that may be the most popular alcoholic drink on Gor. There is a hybrid variety of Sa-Tarna that is brownish and grown in the Tahari regions as it has been adapted for the heat of the desert.

Sim plant: This is a rambling, vine-like plant with huge, rolling leaves that is cultivated in the pasture chambers of the Nest of the Priest-Kings within the Sardar Mountains.

Sip root: This is a very bitter root that can have a contraceptive effect. In some areas, such as the Barrens, sip root is chewed raw and it will act as a contraceptive for about three to four months. It is also used in the cities as an ingredient in slave wine. Slave wine currently acts as an indefinite contraceptive, countered only by the use of a special releasor.

Sul: This is a tuberous root vegetable like a potato. It is commonly large, thick-skinned, starchy, and yellow-fleshed. It is a Gorean staple and can be served in a myriad of different ways. Peasants also make an alcoholic drink out of suls called sul paga. It is similar to a very potent moonshine.

Ta grapes: These grapes may have originated on the island of Cos though they are now grown in many areas. They can be as big as a tiny plum and are often peeled by slaves before served. A famous wine is made from these grapes and Cos is supposed to have the finest quality Ta wine. Different cities have their own varieties of Ta wine, but none better than Cos. The color of this wine was never stated in the books.

Talender: This is a delicate, yellow petaled flower. The talendar is often associated with love and beauty. Free women may wear talendars at the feast celebration of her Free Companionship or maidens may weave them into garlands to wear. Slaves may also wear talendars though free women strongly object to it. If a slave girl affixes a talendar into her hair, this is a silent signal to her Master that she wishes to be raped. A slave girl may also fix talendars in her hair if she has finally submitted to her Master but fears telling him of that fact. The talendars will be a silent signal of her surrender.

Telekint: This is a plant, common in the Tahari region, and its roots can be used to create a red dye. You simply mash the roots and mix them with water.

Tem-wood: This is a tree that produces a very strong and supple black wood. This wood is often used in important construction work.

Teriotrope: This is a colorful and fragrant flower. Its exact description is not given in the books.

Tes: This is a type of shrubbery that exists in the Vosk delta and possibly elsewhere as well. Its exact description is not given in the books.

Teslik: This is a plant whose extract is the active ingredient in breeding wine, the releasor for slave wine.
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