Kort: This is a brown and thick-skinned, sphere-shaped vegetable which is about six inches wide. The interior is yellow, fibrous and heavily seeded. It grows in the Tahari region and is often served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg

Larma: There are two varieties of larma, a hard larma and a segmented larma. The hard larma has a crunchy, red skin like an apple. It has a single-seed, a large stone, and thus is also called a pit fruit. The segmented type is very juicy and more similar to an orange.

Leech plant: This is a dangerous plant that subsists off of blood. The plant can sense living creatures that pass by and it can strike quite fast. Almost like a vampire, it attach two hollow, fang-like thorns into its victim. It makes a loud popping and sucking sound as its bladder-like, seed pods expand and contract, drawing blood through its thorns. On well traveled roads, these plants are cleared from the sides of the road. They are mainly dangerous to children and small animals. But, an adult, who does not check a wooded area before camping there for the night, could also fall prey to its dangers.

Liana vine: This is a plant in the rainforests that can be used as a source of drinking water if you are knowledgeable of it. You would make a cut high on the vine, over your head. Then, you would make another cut about a foot off the ground. This vine tube could then hold a liter of water, depending on recent rainfalls.

Lotus-like flowers: These aquatic flowers, similar to the Earth lotus, are found on Gor though it is unknown what they are called on Gor.

Needle tree: This is an evergreen tree, indigenous to Thentis and the northern forests. Its oil can be used to make perfume.

Palm trees: There are more than 1500 varieties and types of palm trees in the rainforests though only a few are specifically mentioned in the books. Some palm trees have leaves that are twenty feet long. One type of plam tree mentioned in the books is the fan palm. This palm grows in the rainforests of Gor and like the liana vine, can be a source of water. The fan palm is commonly over twenty feet high and its leaves are spread open like a fan. Rain water falls into the fan and is collected at the bottom. It can hold up to a liter of water. Date palms are another type mentioned in the books. Date palms can grow to be over one hundred feet tall. It takes a date palm about ten years before it first bears any dates. But, after that time, the palm will bear fruit for the next one hundred years. Each year, a date palm will provide about forty to two hundred pounds of dates. There is a palm wine on Gor, an export of city of Schendi, but no description was ever given of this wine so its color, flavor and such are unknown.

Pod tree: This is a tree indigenous to the rainforests and its inner bark can be used to make a bark cloth.

Ram-berries: These berries are like a tiny plum. They are small, reddish berries with edible seeds.

Rence: The rence plant is a tall, leafy plant indigenous to the Delta region though it can be found in a few other marsh areas on Gor. Rence plants have a long root, about four inches thick, that rests underwater and extends out horizontally from the stalk. A number of smaller roots descend from this main root into the muddy soil of the Delta. Above the water, a number of long stems raise up into the air. There may be as many as a dozen stems and they may extend up to sixteen feet into the air. It will also commonly have a lone floral spike extending amidst the stems. The Caste of Rencers live within the Delta region and their primary business is the growth, cultivation and use of the rence plant. Rence has many uses though its primary use is to make a form of paper., has more information on rence.
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