Caste Codes
Each caste maintains a series of beliefs and rules for its members, which are followed when one is practicing one's profession. These are called the caste's "codes" and deal mainly with matters specific to that particular profession; i.e, a member of the caste of merchants would follow his or her caste codes in regards to maintaining a profitable trade, presenting merchandise in an honest fashion, haggling, etc. Each caste's codes are different.
                                    Caste Colors
Many of the major castes of Gor have their own unique "Caste Color." This color is often used by members of that caste to display outwardly that they are associated with the caste which that color represents. Such things as banners, flags, and even buildings will often be of a certain color to show caste alliance. Goreans will often wear clothing of their caste color which makes it known at a glance that they are members of a particular caste. A widely recognized symbol for a member of the Gorean warrior caste is a scarlet tunic, for example, while a scribe would wear robes of his own caste color, blue.

Caste of Initiates: First of the High Castes. The supposed representatives of the Priest-Kings in Gorean society. They are responsible for guiding the spiritual life of Goreans through their rituals and prayers to the Priest-Kings. Some are rumored to have the ability to call down the wrath of the Priest Kings, or the dreaded "Flame Death," upon those who commit blasphemous acts or who conspire against the Priest Kings. They are recognised by their white robes, their shaven heads and faces, and their refusal to eat meat or imbibe alcohol. They are also required by their caste codes to be celibate. They tend to be learned and well-read, although they are feared and often distrusted by those of the lower castes. Their caste color is white.

Caste of Scribes: Second of the High Castes. They are the scholars of Gorean society, the writers and the historians. In their keeping is almost all of the accounting, record-keeping, and writing upon Gor. They tend to be serious and studious, with an attention to detail and a passion for knowledge. Sub-classes of this caste include the caste of Mapmakers (explorers), the caste of Magistrates and the caste of Litigators. Their caste color is Blue.

Caste of Builders: Third of the High Castes. This caste includes architects, engineers, draftsmen, stonemasons, and many other professions which concern themselves with the creation of the physical and engineering marvels of Gor. Also among the caste of Builders are the inventors and technicians who develop such works. Their caste color is Yellow.

Caste of Physicians: Fourth of the High Castes. This is the caste of those who concern themselves with the healing arts. Surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practicioners are all members of this caste. Universally recognized as non-combatants during time of war. Their caste color is Green.

Caste of Warriors: Fifth and lowest of the High Castes. This caste includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen. They are known to have one of the strictest sets of caste codes in use on Gor. Members of this caste comprise the military branch of Gorean government. Their caste color is Scarlet.
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