Lower Caste System
Caste of Merchants: This is a very broad caste, and contains literally hundreds of sub-castes. Those who are of this caste are concerned with the sell and trade of merchandise for a profit. There are almost as many sub-castes of the Merchant caste as there are products to be sold; a few notable ones include the caste of Slavers and the caste of Spice Merchants. The caste colors of the caste of Merchants are White and Gold.

Caste of Slavers: the sub-caste of the Merchants, one who deals in human merchandise; their caste colors are
Blue and Yellow.

Caste of Moneylenders: An additional sub-caste of the Merchants; these are those who engage in the trade and speculation of money for a profit, and the only product they handle is money. They are the bankers of Gor.

Caste of Bakers: Another very broad caste, which consists of hundreds of sub-castes. Generally, those who are members of this caste are those who prepare sa-tarna, or vegetarian food, in any of a hundred thousand forms. Their caste colors are
Orange and Brown.

Caste of Butchers: This caste, in conjunction with the caste of Bakers, is responsible for maintaining the majority of the Gorean industries involved with food service. This caste and its many sub-castes concern themselves with the acquisition and preparation of sa-tassna, all forms of edible Gorean meat.

Caste of Winemakers: This caste concern itself the professional production of most fruit based Gorean alcohol. Caste of Brewers: This caste concerns itself with the production of most grain based Gorean alcohol.

Caste of Sailors: This caste includes several dozen sub-castes, each with its own specialty. There is a sub-caste of the caste of Sailors known as the caste of Bargemen, those who propel and steer the great river barges upon the freshwater waterways of Gor.

Caste of Fishermen: A sub-caste of the caste of Sailors, they are concerned with harvesting the vast variety of Gorean aquatic life for human consumption. There are additional sub-castes of this caste, including the Castes of River Fishermen and the caste of Thassa Fishermen. The caste of Net Makers, an artisan caste, is often considered a sub-caste of the caste of Fishermen.

The Caste of Artisans: This is a very broad caste which includes hundreds of sub-castes. Since any production of hand-made goods, no matter its use, is considered by the typical Gorean to be a work of art, this caste is very broad indeed.

Caste of Pot Makers: A sub-caste of the caste of Artisans. They are involved in the production of containment vessels. Their caste colors are
Brown and Green.

Caste of Saddle Makers: A sub-caste of the caste of Artisans. They produce the saddlery, harness and tack used to manage all of the various riding and draft beasts of Gor. Their caste color is
Lower Caste Cont
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