Caste of Metal Workers: A sub-caste of the caste of Artisans. They are concerned with the production of most metal items fabricated upon Gor. Sub-castes of this caste include the caste of Swordmakers and the caste of Armorers, who produce the varios shields and helmets in use upon Gor. Additionally, there seems to be a wide-spread sub-caste of the caste of Metal Workers which serves in a similar capacity to a blacksmith or farrier, repairing wagon wheels and shoeing Gorean draft and riding beasts. Their caste color is gray.

Caste of Cloth Workers: A very large and expansive caste, containing numerous sub-castes. Concerned with the professional production of woven cloth for the use of the Gorean populace.

Caste of Rug Makers: A sub-caste of the caste of Cloth Workers, with several smaller sub-castes. Concerned with the professional production of woven rugs for the use of the Gorean populace. Members of this caste, however, usually regard themselves to be an independant caste, separate from the Cloth Workers.

Caste of Weavers: A sub-caste of the caste of Rug Makers. Concerned with the professional production of textiles for the textile industry.

Caste of Carders: A sub-caste of the caste of Weavers. Concerned with the professional production of woven cloth for the textile industry.

Caste of Dyers: A sub-caste of the caste of Weavers. Concerned with the professional staining and coloring of cloth for the textile industry.

Caste of Clothiers: A sub-caste of the Caste of Weavers, which produces articles of Gorean clothing.

Caste of Dress Makers: A sub-caste of the caste of Clothiers which produces female garmenture.

Caste of Ropemakers: A sub-caste of the caste of Artisans. Produces rope, binding fiber, thread and cordage of all types.

Caste of Leather Workers: A sub-caste of the caste of Artisans. Concerned with the fabrication of various leather goods from animal hides of all types.

Caste of Torturers, clan of Torturers (Wagon Peoples): Not a common Gorean caste, found only among the Wagon People of the far south. Considered to be a sub-caste of the caste of Artisans. One must therefore suppose that those of the Wagon Peoples consider the application of Torture to be an art form. Their caste colors are Black and

Caste of Players : This caste is made of of those who have dedicated their lives to the furtherance of the Gorean game of Kaissa. A rare caste, but one which is found and supported in almost any city. A sub-caste of the caste of Artisans, due to the fact that most Goreans consider the playing of Kaissa to be an art form. Members of this caste are granted blanket immunity to prosecution and slavery, and are highly regarded based upon their level of skill. They wear distinctive hooded robes in their caste colors. Caste colors: Checkered,
Red and Yellow.
Lower Caste Cont
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