Municipal Servants: A large caste category which contains many specific sub-castes, all concerned with providing various public services to the inhabitants of a particular city or village. Their caste color is Gray.

Guardsmen: A sub-caste of the caste of Municipal Servants. This caste is responsible for patrolling the city or village streets, arresting those who violate local ordinances and laws, and insuring the general well-being of the citizenry. They are the Gorean equivalent of a police force. They have no caste colors, and typically wear uniforms provided them by the city or village in which they work, in that settlement's traditional colors. The guardsmen of Ar, for instance, wear
Red and Gold, while those of Cos traditionally wear Blue, and guardsmen of Tyros wear Yellow.

Caste of Lamplighters: A sub-caste of the caste of Municipal Servants.This caste concerns itself with lighting the tharlarion oil lamps used to provide illumination to the city streets.

Caste of Waste Collectors: A sub-caste of the caste of Municipal Servants. This caste concerns itself with the management of collecting the assorted garbage and waste by-products stored in local waste bins and, in conjunction with the caste of Drovers, seeing that it is properly disposed of in carnariums (waste pits) located beyond the city limits.

Caste of Animal Handlers: A large caste category which contains many specific sub-castes, all concerned with the use and care of domestic animals in use upon Gor.

Caste of Tarn-Keepers: A sub-caste of the caste of Animal Handlers. This caste concerns itself with the care, feeding and training of the Gorean tarn, the fierce winged saddle-bird of Gor. Caste colors:
Gray and Green.

Caste of Sleen Trainers: A sub-caste of the caste of Animal Handlers, this caste concerns itself with the care, feeding and training of the Gorean Sleen, the six-legged furred hunting reptile of Gor.

Caste of Vart Trainers: This caste, a sub-caste of the caste of Animal Handlers, is exclusive to the island Ubarate of Tyros. Members of this caste concern themselves with the care, feeding and training of the Gorean vart, a bat-like creature in use upon Tyros, often trained and used as a weapon.

Caste of Drovers: A sub-caste of the caste of Animal Handlers. This caste concerns itself with the care and feeding of the various draft animals in use upon Gor, as well as the task of using wagons drawn by such creatures to ship goods from city to city.

Caste of Goat-Keepers: A sub-caste of the caste of Animal Handlers, this caste concerns itself with the care and maintenance of herds of Goats and other animals such as the woolly Gorean hurt.

Caste of Woodsmen: A large caste category which contains many specific sub-castes, all concerned with protecting and managing the vast resources of various Gorean forests claimed by a particular city or village. They are experts in various forms of woodcraft and are the forest hunters, forest marshals, and forest trackers of Gor. Caste Colors:
Brown and Black.
Lower Caste Cont
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