Caste of Wood Carriers: A sub-caste of the caste of Woodsmen, this caste concerns itself with the harvesting and transportation of the trees of the Gorean forests and tree farms.

Caste of Oil Makers: This caste concerns itself with the production of various types of oil, used for purposes of lubrication and as a burnable fuel source.

Caste of Charcoal Makers: This caste concerns itself with the production of charcoal for use in Gorean forges and ovens. Caste colors: Black and

Caste of Perfumers: This caste concerns itself with the production of various types of scented perfumes, used for purposes of esthetic appeal. Often works in conjunction with the caste of Oil Makers to produce scented oils and such. Also works with the caste of Charcoal Makers and the caste of Spice Merchants to create incense.

Caste of Entertainers: A large caste category which contains many specific sub-castes, all concerned with providing entertainment to other members of Gorean society.

Caste of Singers: Also known as the Caste of Poets. Sometimes considered to be a sub-caste not of the Entertainers, but of the caste of Artisans. This is probably because Goreans view the creation of a poem to be no different from the fabrication of any other, physical, work of art. This caste concerns itself with the creation and performance of verbal entertainments, often set to music.

Caste of Musicians: A sub-caste of the caste of Entertainers. Often working in conjunction with the caste of Singers, this caste concerns itself with providing and performing instrumental musical works, as well as accompaniment for those of the caste of Singers.

Caste of Rence-Growers: A slightly higher caste than the caste of Peasants, this is the caste of those who dwell in the various marshes and swamps of Gor, and who harvest Rence (a Gorean plant similar to Earth rice). They reside on great floating man-made islands amidst the marshes and are highly territorial and secretive. Known for their adoption and usage of the "Peasant Bow" in combat.

Caste of Assassins: This caste is comprised of those who kill strictly for pay; once evident throughout Gor, their existence has long been suppressed, though they still appear occasionally. They refuse to use poison to dispatch their enemies (they consider it the mark of an amateur) and are required by their caste codes to renounce all ties of friendship and family. In addition, they claim no Home Stone. Almost universally despised and feared by other castes. Their caste color is Black.

Caste of Thieves: This caste is comprised of those who make their living by stealing, robbery, picking pockets, etc.; the caste of Thieves is exclusive to the city of Port Kar. They have no recognizable caste colors, but can be indentified by a tiny, three-pronged black tattoo on their cheekbone, similar to the footprint of a bird, which is their caste marking.

Caste of Peasants: The lowest and most common of the castes of Gor, which is concerned with the maintenance, planting and harvesting of the vast lands surrounding most cities which have been divided into plots and set aside for agricultural use. These are the free farmers of Gor; although a Low caste they refer to themselves as "the Ox on Which the Home Stone Rests" due to their vital role in the production of raw foodstuffs for Gorean society. They have rather strict caste codes, and are considered the masters of several forms of distinctive peasant weaponry, including the quarterstaff and the Great Bow, or "Peasant Bow." Their caste color is
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