Display Position - Stands, feet about shoulders width apart, fingers laced behind the neck with elbows back, head up and eyes lowered.
**The auctioneer did not strike her with his whip. He merely took her arms and lifted them, so that the position chain, attached to each side of the sales collar lay across her her upper arms. Then he had her clasp her hands behind the back of her neck, so that the chain, on each side of the collar, was in the crook of her arms, and she was exposed in such a way that she could be properly exhibited. --p.36 Explorers of Gor

Gorean Bow - kneels in nadu position, she bends her body backwards, her head to the floor, she places her hands by her head, and pulls up into a back bend. (this position is very painful to maintain for longer than 5 min)   Book 9: Marauders of Gor, page 261

Hair - The girl stands and bows at the waist, letting her hair fall forward for display, to be seized or for any other purpose the Master might require. Another varient of this position sometime used is for the slave to stay in her previous position just bowing her head and letting her hair dangle before her for whatever use required.
**I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position. Beasts of Gor, page 409

Heel - The slave goes to the Master's left if He is right handed, right if left handed and about one and a half paces behind Him. She follows His movements from that point.
**"The Forkbeard turned about and, one arm about Pudding, the other about Gunnhild, started from the dock. Hilda followed him, to his left. 'She heels nicely,' said Ottar. The men and bond-maids laughed. The Forkbeard stopped. Hilda's face burned red with fury, but she kept her head high. Pet sleen are taught to heel; so, too, sometimes, are bond-maids; I was familiar with this sort of thing, of course; in the south it was quite common for slave girls; in various fashions in various cities, to heel their masters. Hilda, of course, was a free woman. For her to heel was an incredible humiliation. The Forkbeard started off again, and then again stopped. Again, Hilda followed him as before. 'She is heeling!' laughed Ottar." Marauders of Gor p 123

High-Harness - This is a position used most often with display slaves. The slave holds her head very high, exposing her neck.
**"Lift your head, " he said. "Higher. Higher!" She looked up at him, her head far back, the leash on her throat.... "You need not now keep your head in high-harness position,", he said to the girl. She moved her head. --pp 308-309 Mercenaries of Gor

Knee Walk: she travels on her knees, without standing, to fetch items or tend to duties. Also a Turian Knee Walk is mentioned, but not described except that slave dancers sometimes use it.
**She went to the box on her knees and picked it up, and returned to a place before me I was briefly reminded, however, of the Turian knee walk, sometimes used by slave dancers. I considered the slave. I did not doubt that she might be taught to dance. I did not doubt but what she may be taught to dance. -- p342, Magicians of Gor

Ko-lar - Sometimes referred to as the collaring position or posture of female submission. In this position the slave kneels at the Master's feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication.
**"Assume the posture of female submission," I told her. She did so, kneeling back on her heels, her arms extended, wrists crossed, her head between them, down. She was weeping. Tribesmen of Gor p 359
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