Kneel to the Coffle - Kneels, normally thighs parted, up upon the heels and lifts either the left or right wrist outwards, depending on the type of coffle, so that the wrist can be attached to a wrist ring within the coffle chain
**"Kneel to be coffled," said one of the men. The girls knelt, closely, one behind the other, there were six wrist rings on the chain he carried. He placed the girl who had been whipped by Lady Sabina first in the coffle line. "Left wrist coffle," he said. They lifted their left wrists, frightened. Interestingly, the man snapping the wrist rings on the girls' left wrists did not put the first girl in the first ring, but the second. When the four maids were coffled there was, thus, an empty wrist ring both at the head and rear of the line. "Stand, Slaves," said the man. "Lower chain." The girls stood. Then, ordered, the lowered their wrists. They were then in line, standing, coffled. From Slave Gor of Gor P127

Leading - The slave stands and moves behind her Master, slightly to His left or right side depending on which of His hands is dominant, bending at the waist. She places her hands behind her and puts the side of her head to her Master's hip, that he might lead her easily by the hair while walking.
**In a moment I had left the building, pulling the captive behind me, her head down at my waist, in leading position. --pp 399-400 Mercenaries of Gor

Leasha - kneel, thighs well parted, back straight or slightly arched, head held high, chin tilted to the left, hands at back with wrists crossed. This position is used to clip a leash onto the collar or for simple display/inspection of a slave girl
**"Lesha," snapped the second officer to the blond girl. She spun from facing him, and lifted her chin, turning her head to the left, placing her wrists behind her, as though for snapping them into slave bracelets. Explorers of Gor p 76

Modality of the She Quadruped - This is not technically a position but is definitely a command sometimes used for punishment. When ordered into this mode the slave stays on all fours, like an animal, and cannot speak or reach for things with her hands. she is kept quite definitely as only a mute pet much like any sleen would act. Sometimes the slave is even taught tricks she must learn without the help of verbal clues.
**In this form of slavery, which is commonly used for disciplinary purposes, or for the amusement of the Master, the woman is not permitted to arise from all fours; similarly she is not permitted human speech, though she may signify needs and desires by such means as cringing, and moaning and whimpering. Not permitted the use of her hands, save as a means of locomotion, she must also eat and drink from pans set on the floor, or, sometimes to satisfy her thirst, she must lap the water permitted to her from puddles or lick pillages from the tiles; too, it is no uncommon to chain her near her master's feet, while he dines, that he may, if he wishes, throw her scraps of food. She will also be taught tricks, through which paces she may be put for the entertainment of her master's guests, such things as begging, lying down, rolling over, and fetching his sandals in her teeth. And, needless to say, when her master wishes to use her sexually, it will be a position common to the she-quadruped. Guardsman of Gor p 225

Nadu - kneel with thighs spread wide, back held straight or arched slightly, breast thrust forward, head held high with eyes lowered, ankles crossed, sitting back on heels, hands resting palms up or palms down on thighs.
**Nadu!' he snapped. She swiftly turned, facing him, and dropped to her knees. She knelt back on her heels, her back straight, her hands on her thighs, her head up, her knees wide. It was the position of the pleasure slave. --pg. 77, Explorers of Gor

Nestle - When a slave is told to nestle she fits herself against the Master's side, snuggling into the crook of His arm.
**"Nestle," I told her. "Yes, Master," she said. She nestled obediently in the crook of my left arm. Explorer's of Gor p 279
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