Obeisance - There are three different forms of this position though all have the same basic meaning behind it. Each is a show of female submission.
1) the slave kneels in nadu with her head lowered.
2) from nadu, the slave lowers head to the ground, placing her hands against the ground, palms lowered. (this is sometimes refered to as karta)
3) the slave moves to her belly and slowly inches forward to the Master's feet and at that point proceeds to lick and kiss at them before bellying back somewhat. (this position is known among many as the "belly" position)
**"There are many ways to perform obeisance. "I said.
"I am a free woman," she said, " I know none of them."
"I shall instruct you briefly in three," I said. " First kneel before me , back on your heels, yes, with your knees wide, wider, your hands on your thighs, your back straight, your breasts out, good, your belly in, good, and now lower your head in deference, in submission."~
"Now that," I said, " may not be exactly a form of obeisance, for authorities do not all agree, but for our purposes we shall count it as one. It is, at any rate, a beautiful position, and it is, certainly, a common position of slave submission."
"Now" I said, " and this is clearly a form of obeisance, bend forward and put your head to the mat, the palms of your hands on the mat. Good. Now lift your head little and come forward, substantially keeping the position. Forward a little more."
"But then my face will be at your feet," she said," My lips will be over them!"
"Yes," I said, "Good, now, put your head down and lick and kiss my feet."
"I am a free Woman!" She Said. "You are a woman," I said," now softly lingeringly, and lovingly, Good."
"I am not a slave," she said "All women are slaves, "I said " Imagine what this would be like if you were truly a collared slave." She gasped.
"Now" I said, "for a third form of obeisance. You may belly to me."
"I do not understand," she whispered.
"There are various forms of bellying," I said, and bellying may be suitably and pleasingly
combined with other forms of floor movements, approaching the Master on all fours, turning to your sides and back, writhing before him, and so on. We will take a very simple variation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality."
She looked up at me. "On your belly," I said. She backed off a bit , and went to her belly. her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me looked up at me.
"Now inch forward," I said, " remaining low on your belly, and when you reach my feet, once again, as before, lifting your head a little, tenderly and humbly, and beautifully, as though you were a slave, lick and kiss them. Good. Good. Now take my foot and place it gently on your head. Very good. Now place it again on the Mat, and kiss it again. Good. You may now belly back a little, humbly. I have not yet given you permission to rise of course." Mercenaries of Gor p 409-410

Prostrate - kneel and touch forehead to the floor, stretch arms out before you with palms face down and fingers spread
**I knelt before the guest, putting the palms of my hands on the floor and my head to the tiles. Kajira of Gor p 305

Run Command: when this command is given, she runs toward her objective, taking short rapid steps, with her legs almost straight, her feet hardly leaving the floor. As she moves her back is straight, her head is turned to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her body. Upon reaching her objective she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu.
**I was amused, for she had run as a slave girl is taught to run, with rapid short steps, her legs almost straight, her feet scarcely leaving the ground, back straight, head turned to the left, arms at her side, palms out at a 45 degree angle, more of a dancer's motion than a true run. -- p45, Assassins of Gor
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