She-Sleen - moves to knees and elbows, hands clasped over your head, bottom in the air, ready for either being beaten on the bottom or being taken from behind like an animal
**He knelt me there. "Put your head down, to the floor," he said. "Clasp your hands, firmly, behind the back of your neck." "Yes, Master," I moaned. He was then behind me. He put his hands, under my arms, on my breasts, sweetly and firmly. Then he moved his bands back, caressing my flanks. My head was down. My fingers were together, behind the back of my neck. I was in his collar. It was steel, I could not remove it. I belonged to him. My body hurt, from his whip, that of my master. My head hurt, from my hair, where I had been conducted, unceremoniously, to this location. "Please, Master," I sobbed. "Not like this! Not you, please!" "The slave is pretty," he remarked. "Oh!" I cried. "Oh!" "You have a lovely ass," he said. "Ohhh!" I said. "You may thank me," he said. --p 434 Kajira of Gor

Slaver's Caress or Whip's Caress Position: the slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and lowers her head to the ground, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread, exposing her hindquarters fully in preparation for the caress of the leather against her body.
**Then, before I could realise what he intended, he had subjected Miss Cardwell to what, among slavers, is known as the Whip Caress. Ideally it is done, as Kamchak had, unexpectedly, taking the girl unawares. Elizabeth suddenly cried out throwing her head to one side. I observed to my amazement the sudden, involuntary, uncontrollable response to the touch. The Whip Caress is commonly used among Slavers to force a girl to betray herself. -- p168, Nomads of Gor

Slaver's Kiss - to the floor on all fours, head lowered to the ground, bottom high in the air, thighs widely spread, slaves heat exposed -Book 13: Explorers of Gor, page 40

Slave Lips - turn toward person who commanded it, purse lips and remain immobile until your freed from immobility with a kiss
**Similarly, I was not required to respond to certain sorts of commands, for example, to make "slave lips," pursing my lips for kissing, or to writhe slowly before my viewers. --p 224 Kajira of Gor

Slave Rape - You can infer from the books that there are many types but the standard is that the girl lays motionless and supine in preparation to be raped.
**I went to the side of the room and picked up my sea bag. I threw it to the center of the room. She looked down at it puzzled. It was of heavy blue material, canvas, and tied with a white rope. "Lie down upon it," I told her, "on your back, your head to the floor." She did so. "No, please," she said, "not like this." It is a common position for a disciplinary slave rape. In it the woman feels very vulnerable, very helpless. I then took her. Explorer's of Gor p 202

Standard Binding Position - When ordered into standard binding position the girl lays on the ground, wrists crossed behind the back and ankles crossed. (this is most likely another name for bara)
**"Standard binding position," he said. I was prone. When a girl is prone, the standard binding position is to cross the wrists behind the back and to cross the ankles. I took this position instantaneously. From Slave Girl of Gor. P 125

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