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1957 Gibson Les Paul

Gibson guitars are long known as the bitter rival of Fender. Indeed, these two guitar manufacturers have been trying to outdo each other till today..

The Fender Stratocaster was a bit hit in the 50s. Gibson, not willing to surrender to the Strat, introduced its first solidbodied electric guitar in 1952, the Les Paul.

The guitar was named after the best-known guitarist in the world at that time, Les Paul (born Lester William Polfus). He was not only one of the early designers of the solidbodied guitar, but also a pioneer in overdubbing and multi-track recording.

goldtopIn the late 30s, Paul invented one of the first solidbodied guitars by attaching pickups on a vivisected Epiphone hollowbodied guitar. Later he took his invention to Gibson, trying to persuade them to mass-produce his prototype. However, he was rejected, and only when the Stratocaster became a big thing in the 50s did they reconsider his idea.

The original Les Paul had a gold-painted top, but was replaced with the Les Paul Standard in 1958. The guitar was popularized by guitar greats like Duane Allman, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), and Slash (Guns N' Roses), who by the way has over 100 guitars, mainly Les Pauls.

1958 was the sixth year of the Gibson Les Paul model. Whether through cosmic forces, rational thought or just dumb luck, Gibson hit the proverbial nail on the head. Within a few months, the 1959 Les Paul Standard, the same as the 1958 model guitar but with jumbo frets, quietly became a legend.

At first, the Les Paul Standard was just another solidbody guitar in a sea of emerging instruments. In the late 1960s and '70s, popular guitar heroes Jimmy Page, Mike Bloomfield and Duane Allman sought the original late '50s Les Pauls for their tone and feel. Soon those models became an overnight success in a little less than 20 years.

Today, the original 1959 Les Paul Standard has become the most sought after model of solidbody guitar in the world, with vintage prices soaring well into six-figures.





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