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Guitar Resource and Links

If you want to exchange links, submit your site here.

Guitar / Gear Reviews

 Harmony Central
E excellent site with information on instruction, equipment, MIDI, software, magazines, newsgroups and more.  

 Guitar Seek
F eaturing original database, scale and chord generators, gear reviews, and tab search.

Virtual Guitar Gallery -
Do you make your own custom guitars? At this site you can highlight your masterpiece and let the world see, or even buy it! Find rare guitars made by individuals like you.

Guitargeek -
Find the equipment and setup of any guitarists you want. Now you can know how Van Halen and SRV get their sound.

Mike's Guitar Site -
This is a big site with guitar reviews, guitar history, tabs, MP3 and more.


Guitar Magazines

 GuitarOne - - the magazine you can play.

 Guitar World Online
I interviews, online lessons, celebrity sound files, onscreen tablature, product reviews, random chatter and more.

Acoustic Guitar
For all acoustic guitar players, from beginners to performing professionals. Interviews, reviews, workshops, sheet music, song transcriptions, and product reviews.

Guitar Player
F eatures an archive of product reviews, lessons, articles, notational symbols and related links.

Vintage Guitar
Online home of the magazine, with articles, classifieds, photo gallery, and other features.


Guitar Info Websites

Goya Guitars
The best source of information for the almost forgotten Goya Guitars. Thses guitars are unique in their own way, and you can find some unsual designs here.

Carvin Guitar Museum
The best online source for vintage carvin models. Pictures and history.

 Spanish Guitars
Everything about spanish and flamenco guitars, in English and Spanish.

 Austin Vintage Guitars -
S specializing in hard to find and custom guitars, basses, British amps, violins, and mandolins.

 Antique Vintage Guitars Info -
Find history, pictures, articles and advice at this vintage guitar site. The best source of vintage guitar information on the net!

 Michael's Music Guitars
New York-based features a large selection of new and vintage jazz guitars.
This site is not about flamenco guitars, but rather the music itself. Flamenco artists' encyclopedia, buying guide, flamenco classes etc.

Guitar Museum Online
Find specs and images of all Gibson guitars.


Guitar Lessons & Self Improvement

Guitars Rule
This website is one of my favourites. A lot of valuable information and important links here! They have a freeware called Guitar Sidekick. Check it out, simple but quite useful!

Very useful lessons, tricks and guitar theory. When you're done with this site, you'd already be a good guitarist. By Patrick McFarlane.

The Galaris Musicians Directory 2004 edition. -
Over 1200 pages that will provide access to all the industry contacts you need in the music business: their names, business descriptions, phone numbers, web and e-mail addresses, all organized by category and by state for fast and easy browsing.

Vocal Release Systems
Learn how anyone, even if they've never sang before, can develop a star quality voice. The key is knowing the proper training techniques from the start.


General Music Resources - Music Directory.

Artistopia - The Ultimate Music and Artist Resource
Artistopia is the first company that delivers a clear, potent, and qualified strategy for independent music artists and music industry professionals to come together under one roof and speak one language - potential success!


Guitar - Artist Pages

Giuseppe Maria Ficara - Artist's personal website, with free audio recordings in mp3, realaudio, concert videos in Real streaming, news, programms


Guitar Manufacturers/ Distributors

 Dean Guitars
 GMP Guitars
 Kellar Basses
 Modulus Guitars
 Paul Reed Smith
 Parker Guitars
 Reverend Instruments
 Schecter Guitars
 Vaccaro Guitars




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