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-Guitarist Mag Sept 2000
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 Danelectro Pedals Review

Even with the broad range of digital multi-effects units available today, most guitarist still own a few mini effects pedals, or also known as stomp boxes. After all, pedals don't require programming or much time to set up, and the effects it can produced when used to gether is limited only by your creativity.

Danelectro pedals have become very popular because of their cool looks, unique names and value for money.

Each Dano mini pedal has a moulded plastic chasis and a rubber topped, hhefty metal base held together with a single plastic screw, which allows access for battery replacement. They also have plastic knobs and a die-cast on/off switch. Other features include a mono output and input, as well as a power supply input.

The Dano range is named after food found in a fifties diner. This is probably bacause the tone they wish to get is also from the fifties.

 Danelectro Pedals Revisited
Guitarist Mag Sept 2000 ratings (out of 5).

Danelectro Pastrami
This is the cheapest offered by Danelectro, and probably the cheapest overdrive you'll find out there. It has 2 basic controls, level and overdrive. A very impressive basic tone.

Features = 4
Sound = 5
Value = 5
Verdict = 4 1/4

Danelectro T-Bone
A distortion pedal, and arguably the hottest in the Danelectro range. 2 basic controls, level and distortion.

Features = 4
Sound = 5
Value = 5
Verdict = 4 1/4

Danelectro BLT
A fifties-era slap back echo. A mix control allows you to adjust the volume of the actual echo, and a repeat control allows you to adjust the amount and level of decay.

Features = 4
Sound = 4
Value = 4
Verdict = 3 3/4

Danelectro Corned Beef
A reverb pedal designed to simulate fifties reverbs. Not as smooth as digital reverbs, though.

Features = 4
Sound = 5
Value = 4
Verdict = 4

Danelectro Tuna Melt
A tremolo pedal which with a micro swith on its front panel, which allows for hard or soft tremolo.

Features = 5
Sound = 5
Value = 5
Verdict = 4 1/2

A simple phaser with just one knob, which changes the speed of the effect and adds warmth to the basic sound.

Features = 3
Sound = 5
Value = 5
Verdict = 4 1/4

Danelectro Milkshake
Chorus pedal, with speed and depth controls, allows for a lot of experimentation.

Features = 4
Sound = 4 1/2
Value = 5
Verdict = 4 1/4
Danelectro Hash Browns
Like most flanger pedals, this pedal is quite difficult to get familiar with. 3 controls to manipulate the speed, regeneration and width of the effect.

Features = 4 1/2
Sound = 4
Value = 4
Verdict = 4

Danelectro Surf & Turf
Compressor pedal with level and sensitivity controls. Compressors can give you guitar a sweet tone and longer sustain.
Features = 4
Sound = 5
Value = 5
Verdict = 4 1/4

Danelectro Grilled Cheese
A unique distortion pedal that creates the sound of sweet sustain and wah pedals together.
Features = 4
Sound = 4
Value = 4
Verdict = 4


The pedals reviewed above are the basic Dano pedals. Other Dano Pedals you may want to check out:

Danelectro Back Talk - A reverb pedal

Danelectro Psycho Flange - flanger pedal

Danelectro Cool Cat - New chorus pedal







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