Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Fri, 23 November 2007  9:36 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Paris Hilton's Far East Trip




Paris Hilton in Japan



Paris Hilton (L) and her sister Nicky pose at a promotional event for Japan's fashion brand Samantha Thavasa's handbags and accessories in Tokyo November 5, 2007.

REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon (JAPAN)

Reuters - Mon Nov 5, 7:25 AM ET


Paris Hilton (R) and her sister Nicky pose with models at a promotional event for Japan's fashion brand Samantha Thavasa's handbags and accessories in Tokyo November 5, 2007.

REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon (JAPAN)

Reuters - Mon Nov 5, 7:43 AM ET



Paris Hilton in South Korea



U.S. celebrity Paris Hilton answers reporters' questions during a news conference to promote her business at the Hyatt hotel in Seoul November 10, 2007. REUTERS/Han Jae-Ho (SOUTH KOREA)

Reuters - Sat Nov 10, 5:01 AM ET


U.S. celebrity Paris Hilton adjusts her hair during a news conference to promote sports brand Fila at the Hyatt hotel in Seoul November 9, 2007. REUTERS/Han Jae-Ho (SOUTH KOREA)

Reuters - Fri Nov 9, 2:28 AM ET



Paris Hilton in China



U.S. celebrity Paris Hilton walks out of Shanghai Pudong International Airport November 20, 2007. Hilton is in Shanghai to attend a MTV Awards event on Friday. Picture taken November 20, 2007.


Reuters - Tue Nov 20, 9:38 PM ET


U.S. celebrity Paris Hilton smiles in her car after arriving at Shanghai Pudong International Airport in Shanghai November 20, 2007. Paris Hilton is in Shanghai to attend a MTV Awards event on Friday.



Reuters - Tue Nov 20,10:06 AM ET




Recently Paris Hilton is busy with some visits to the Far East countries like Japan, South Korea and China. Somehow I wonder whether she would also visit other countries. I wish her every success in any activities in those countries.













Date:  Fri, 23 November 2007  9:46 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Caution of "Double Mountains" Activities




Ozzy Osbourne gestures next to Paris Hilton as they arrive for the taping of Spike TV's "Scream 2007" show at the Greek theatre in Los Angeles October 19, 2007. The show premieres on Spike TV on October 23.


Reuters - Sat Oct 20, 4:02 AM ET




Indonesian volcanos spit lava, dark ash

By IRWAN FIRDAUS, Associated Press Writer

Mon Nov 5, 1:14 PM ET


MOUNT KELUD, Indonesia - Several Indonesian volcanos spewed hot ash, molten rock and clouds of dark smoke Monday, and scientists warned a violent eruption could come at any moment. The most threatening was the deadly Mount Kelud on densely populated Java island, where a dome of magma was forming under a crater lake and soaring temperatures overheated monitoring equipment.

A few hundred miles away, Anak Krakatao, or the "Child of Krakatoa" in English, fired pumice and lava onto its slopes. At least one other of Indonesia's approximately 100 active volcanoes sent bursts of ash showering down on nearby villages.

Experts said there was no connection between the heightened activity at the different volcanos along the tropical archipelago. Authorities monitoring the peaks were most concerned about Kelud because of its deadly history, including a 1919 explosion that killed thousands.

The temperature of the crater lake on Mount Kelud was so great that nearby monitoring equipment stopped working, said Surono, one of 16 volcanologists watching over the peak 24 hours a day. Like many Indonesians, he uses only one name. Despite the threat, there was little sense of panic on Kelud's slopes, witnesses said.

While several thousand people have fled to government shelters, authorities said Sunday that around 25,000 others were ignoring evacuation orders and remained in the danger zone around Kelud. Officials have made no attempts to prevent people from traveling inside a six-mile zone around the peak that the local government says is off-limits.

"I feel it is OK to stay here," said Sukirno, who was tending papaya plants four miles from the peak. "No one can guarantee our safety apart from ourselves."


Kelud has been on the highest alert level for more than two weeks. But since Friday, scientists have been warning an eruption was imminent based on the frequency of tremors shaking and its intense heat.

In 1990, Mount Kelud spat out red-hot gases, mud and lava that killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds. In 1919, a powerful explosion that reportedly could be heard hundreds of miles away killed at least 5,160.

"If it goes this time, it will be much larger than in 1990," said Surono, basing his prediction on the number of tremors and the lake temperature — both of which have been much higher than in the days preceding the earlier blast.

The team monitoring the volcano has also said an eruption may be small or gradual — or might not happen at all given the unpredictable nature of the 5,679-foot mountain. Images of Mt. Kelud's crater lake showed a dome had formed, but thick steam made it difficult to estimate its size, volcanologist Umar Rosadi said.

Around 40 miles southeast of Kelud, Mount Semeru was also putting on a display, sending out clouds high into the air that coated buildings in nearby villages and the town of Blitar with a fine layer of ash, witnesses said. Ash rain from Semeru is common in the town, and Rosadi said people had no need to worry. No evacuations were ordered.

Anak Krakatoa was formed off the northern tip of Java island after a massive eruption at the giant Krakatoa volcano in 1883. That blast was heard nearly 2,000 miles away in Australia and sent surges of gas and burning ash which, combined with a tsunami, killed at least 36,000 people.  Indonesia is spread across 17,500 islands and is prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes because of its location within the so-called "Ring of Fire" — a series of fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.






Increasing volcanic activities of mount Kelud took place along with other nearby mountain, mount Semeru which sending out clouds high into the air that coated buildings in nearby villages and the town of Blitar with a fine layer of ash, witnesses said. Nevertheless, ash rain from Semeru is common in the town, and volcanologist Umar  Rosadi said people had no need to worry, no evacuations were ordered. The position of mount Kelud and mount Semeru, from the distance, is somewhat like the "double mountains" of a woman.

For me it becomes like a warning because it happened after the appearance of Paris Hilton's photo with a low neck night gown showing some part of her "double mountains". A caution that those "double mountains" of hers containing the heat that could cause dangerous eruption. This caution is important for me since recently she is visiting some Asian countries not so far away from Indonesia. 











Date:  Fri, 23 November 2007  9:46 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  About A Couple Make Love



Besides mount Kelud and mount Semeru, another mountain also in increasing activities recently, the mount Anak Krakatau. Now this requires another observation.

If you took a closer look to the map of Java Island, its shape looks like a person lying prone, or to make it easier consider it as a man, myself. The position of mount Kelud and mount Semeru, like mentioned in the above letter, is like the double mountains of a woman. In this case this imaginary woman is stretching under the man, myself.

While the position of mount Anak Krakatau is in the mouth of the man, but this is not about pedophiles, because it is only a name of a mountain. The red magma from mount Anak Krakatau seems like the red bottom part of the woman when she spread her legs. Wow.

So it all becomes like a couple making love, or, again to make it easier, consider it as myself and Paris Hilton.

In other words, the recent volcanic activities of those three mountains, at the time when Paris Hilton is visiting some Asian countries close to Indonesia, becomes some kind of caution for me just in case all of a sudden she swerved to Indonesia to meet me in person. 

A caution that such kind of man and woman activities could trigger disaster if it was done improperly. May God help me with this.






Anak Krakatau volcano spews smoke and lava in the Sunda strait November 11, 2007. Indonesia's 'Child of Krakatau' volcano, formed after Mount Krakatau's legendary eruption in 1883, has been spitting out flaming rocks and smoke for days, but it is not especially dangerous, a vulcanologist said on Friday. (Supri/Reuters)

Reuters - Sun Nov 11, 3:41 AM ET

  This photo's caption is similar to the above letter of "Caution of 'Double Mountains' Activities".


















Date:  Fri, 23 November 2007  10:22 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Kelud's Cancelled, for Solomon Path




Something important about the recent cancelled explosive eruption of mount Kelud probably related with my wish to change my path of destiny. The name of mount Kelud is like from Indonesian word "ke" and "Lud". Whereas the word "ke" has the meaning of "to" in English, while "lud" is like "Lut", the Indonesian word for the name of prophet Lot.

So the canceling of mount Kelud huge eruption was like having the meaning of I can no longer go to prophet Lot's path of destiny, and changing it with prophet Solomon's path of destiny.

It is like the answer to my wish of "Changing Track to Solomon Path of Destiny" whereas I wrote : ".......some prophets in the past did have the position that made them seem like becoming the bait that trigger disasters, like prophet Noah, prophet Lot, and so on. While in case of prophet Solomon, he was never in such position of triggering disaster, instead he was known as the richest man in the world......"

But of course it is "Solomon's Path with No Political Part".
















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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