Atomic Red Alert
Site created on 11/25/00
Rifle Infantry- Yet very weak this unit proves very useful in big numbers. But only use them for rushes very early in the game. Do not use them against the computer. The computer has a way to build way faster and they already have flame towers up and can easily kill them. Only use rush in multiplayer

Speed:  14 seconds
Cost:  $100
Build Time:  4 seconds

Rocket Soldier- I think this type of infantry is better than the Sam sites but not better than the AA guns. They are good for taking out flame towers, pillboxes, and camo pillboxes.  I only use them for attacking planes and tanks though.

Speed: 21 seconds
Cost: $300
Build Time:  7.5 seconds

Engineer- Very useful. They can repair a building like that. If you�re construction yard is being rushed be sure that you have one of these or more next to all of you�re important building (e.g. Iron Curtain, Missile Silo).

Speed:  15 seconds
Cost:  $500
Build Time:  15 seconds

Medic- This unit can heal any of your infantry in one dose except tanya which takes two but you aren't going to have many infantry in the game and when you do (early in the game) you aren't going to have time to build the medic so I wouldn't buy this unit.

Speed:  14 seconds
Cost: $800
Build Time:  15 seconds

Medium Tank- This is the basic tank for the allies.  You are going to want this unit because the only other tank that is worth buying is the light tank and that is mostly used for rushes early in the game.

Speed:  7.5 seconds
Cost:  $800
Build Time:  26 seconds

Light tank- This is a very quick unit. It is almost the better than the medium tank if it had better armor and better fire power. But the light tank is faster in speed and is faster in fire rate which makes it good for rushing.

Speed: 6.5 seconds
Cost: $700
Build Time: 23.5 seconds

Armored Personal Carrier (APC)- This unit is capable of carrying up to 5 infantry.  It is just a bit faster than the ligaht tank and is the fastest ground unit. This can be used to your advantage by putting Tanyas or engineers and infiltrating your enemies base before they know you are in.

Speed: 6 seconds
Cost: $800
Build Time:  26 seconds

Ranger- This unit is poorly equipped with armor and shot power. It is quick in speed but not the fastest and it cannot carry infanty like the APC so this unit is not worth it to buy.

Speed: 8 seconds
Cost: $600
Build Time: 18 seconds

Ore Truck- This unit collects the ore that provides money for your base. I think that for every Ore Refinery that you have you should have at least 2 extra ore trucks so you have a total of 3 trucks per refinery.

Speed: 9.5 seconds
Cost: $1400
Build Time: 46.5 seconds

Artillery- This unit has good fire power but most of the time it misses its target unless it is infantry which die almost instantly.  This unit has very bad armor and turns very very very slowly. 

Speed: 9.75 seconds
Cost: $600
Build Time: 18 seconds

AT Mine Layer- This is a good unit to block an entrance to a base if the entrance is small. It can carry 5 mines before it has to be reloaded at the service depot.

Speed: 6
Cost: $800
Build Time: 26

MCV- MCV- YOU WILL NEED THIS! If you like tesla coils or building a humungous base you are going to want this. It helps you build way faster. Do not build one until you�re base is safe though.

Speed: 12 seconds
Cost: $2500
Build Time: 87 seconds (one minute 27 seconds)

Mobile Radar Jammer- The MJR disrupts enemy radar functions, shutting down transmissions and display.

Speed: 6.5 seconds
Cost: $600
Build Time: 18 seconds

Mobile Gap Generator- This unit does the same as the regular Gap Generator does. It creates shroud around itself about 2 squares by 4.

Speed: 8 seconds
Cost: $600
Build Time: 18 seconds
Allied Units
Order Red Alert 2, Red Alert, Aftermath, Counter Strike, or Tiberian Sun
Rocket Soldier- I think this type of infantry is better than the Sam sites but not better than the AA guns. They are good for taking out flame towers, pillboxes, and camo pillboxes.  I only use them for attacking planes and tanks though.

Cost: $300
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