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Use the directory pointers below to find the file you

Sort through this page if you are keen. It exists only to show
some more of the software available on the COCOSOFT CD. Even in
combination with all the other listings on these pages it does
not go all the way to being a complete listing due to memory limits.

Directory \64-NET on the CD

64ON-NET Some special communications programs for using the C64 on the Net
SIDMUSIC  along with a few sid.music files.

Directory \GEOSUTIL on the CD

MOREGEOS.ZIP - Some G.E.O.S. paint file converters along with some very useful trickery for modifying original disks in various ways kernal ser# change + others
FGMSTUFF.ZIP - F.G.M. Fun Graphics machine files for graphics enthusiasts

Directory \MANUALS on the CD             E-MAIL

MANUALS.ZIP - Manuals for Commodore peripherals.

C64 Utilities & disk image conversion programs along with
info on how to construct that all important X1541 cable to
enable You to connect your Commodore disk drive to your PC.

The Star Commander PRG. is also in this directory as well as
some more emulators. Get the Cocosoft CD and it will be a long
time before you ever need to download C64 software from the
Internet again.

64CPY221.ZIP - C64 archive file converter handles (T64
64CPY3B7.ZIP - C64 archive file converter handles (T64
64NT8265.ZIP - 64 Net program
C642C64S.ZIP - 1541 file handler & full disc copier
C64ALV10.ZIP - C64 Alive' is a complete improved simulation of the real Commodore C64 computer
C64MANIP.ZIP - some tools to manipulate.t64 files (incl. C++ Sources)
C64S.ZIP - C64S Commodore 64 Software Emulator plus several games Good!
C64TOOLS.ZIP - Rick's C=64 Emulator Tools
C64UTI5.ZIP - Disk to tape<> routines                  E-MAIL
CBM-IBM.ZIP - as it says Text converter
CBM2ASC.ZIP - A Commdore ASCII to standard ASCII converter
CBM2IBM.EXE - CBM to IBM text converter
CBMPR11.ZIP - program for IBM compats to connect a printer with Commodore's serial interface to a PC's parallel port
CCS64102.ZIP - This a software emulator for the Commodore 64 computer
CLINK096.ZIP - short and fast filetransfer system for MS-DOS based PC's and Commodores
DIR_D64.ZIP - a little utility to easier manage the D64 of C64s.
DISK64E.ZIP - access to a C64 floppy connected with a simple interface to a printer port of a PC
GEOIMAGE.ZIP - File Viewer for disk images V1.0
IBM2CBM.bas - IBM to CBM text converter support file
IBM2CBM.EXE - IBM to CBM text converter.
LIST64.EXE - Lists the contents of most C64 image files in various formats
M0PLG393.ZIP - File Server for the C64 v0.80
M0PLG42O.ARJ - program convert's a set of ZIP coded disk files into a.D64 image for use with the C64S Emulator
M0PLG4KF.ZIP - some tools to manipulate.t64 files (incl. C++ Sources)
NEWT64 - CPP For making an empty T64 tape image.
NEWT64.COM This is a small utility for making an empty T64 tape image
NEWT64.TXT - This is a small utility for making an empty T64 tape image
PC64_E.ZIP - Emulator
PC64E121.ZIP - Another Emulator
PETCA201.ZIP - precompiled binary of the PETCAT v2.01 from the VICE 0.10 emulator package
PRGTOT64.COM - This program adds C64 files in raw binary format to a T64 tape image.
PRGTOT64.cpp - support file  for above
PRGTOT64.TXT - This program adds C64 files in raw binary format to a T64 tape image
PRLNK095.ZIP - data transfer system Commodore 8-bit computers to Amiga (AmigaDOS) or a PC clone
READ81S.ZIP - shareware disk reader for 3.5" C64 disks (1581 format) on normal PC drives.
S2M0711.ZIP - Sid to Midi music converter
SC073.ZIP - The Star Commander version 7.3 , V 8.0 is also available
SER64_80.ZIP - File Server for the C64 v0.80
SIDP140A.ZIP - Music player and C64 SID-chip          E-MAIL
T64CONV.EXE - T64 file converter
T64SORT.COM - This program alphabetcally sorts directory of T64 multi-file tape images.
T64SORT.cpp - support file
T64SORT.TXT - Program alpha. sorts the dir. of T64 multi-file tape images
T64TOPRG.COM - This progam converts 'one file' T64 tape images back to binary raw format.
T64TOPRG.cpp - support file for above
T64TOPRG.TXT - Progam converts 'one file' T64 tape images to binary raw format
TK6414.ZIP - util converts ascii text file from Commodore basic progs.into prog.images that run on a C64
TR64_125.ZIP - Trans64 is a tool for connecting a CBM floppydrive to the PC
TRANS64.ZIP - Trans64 is a tool for connecting a CBM floppydrive to the PC and
UPD25.ZIP - C64s 2.5 upgrade Program
X1541.TXT - Info about constructing the X1541 cable
X1541.ZIP - X1541 Cable directions
ZIPCODE.ZIP.ZIP - -code archiving lets one archive an entire disk

Directory \WORDEDU on the CD

60 disks of popular C64 /128 Word Processors.
Many polular Wordprocessors for the C64/128 are inclused here.
Just e-mail & ask if I've got it [email protected]        E-MAIL

Directory \MOREUTIL on the CD

A host of different files covering a wide variety of
C64/128 topics.Several C64 Emulator programs.
Several transfer progs. C64 to PC most require X1541 cable.
Even more Sid. files & players. Too much more to itemize here.
Some of these files are duplicated in the MOERUTIL\CONVERSION Directory on the CD

.LZH - CNVRT.LZH - renames files in archive files created by.LHA - RC
.ZIP - CODE.PRG.ZIP - /Un.ZIP - program for the C64
128-VI~1.GZ - Notes on coupling a C128 to a television
129PRO~1.HTM - Directory /pub/cbm/c128/programming/
1541-1~1.PRG - 1541-1764 Fast copier demo
1541-A~1.ZIP - 2 1541 alignment programs
1541-T~1.PRG - 1541 ALPS Drive check & Alignment
1541-T~2.PRG - Turbodisk
1772~1.INF - Info for Western Digital 1770-00/ 1772-00 floppy disk drive controllers
21-DES~1.PRG - Track destrover 21
2112-6V.SFX - Sid music & words archived 22 files by RUSH
22-DES~1.PRG - Error 22 creator
23-DES~1.PRG - Error 23 creator
64-PRO~1.HTM - Directory /pub/cbm/C64/programming/
64DOC - This file is part of Commodore 64 emulator and Program Development System -
6502-N~1.OPC - Extra Instructions Of The 65XX Series CPU
6522-VIA.ZIP - programming info about Rockwell R6522 VIA (VIA) chip -
ACTION~1.PRG - Action Replay.ZIP - -Un.ZIP - Disk packer
ALLDIR~1.HTM - Funet alldirectories listinh.HTM -            E-MAIL
AMUSEM~1.HTM - Links to amusements other than games
ANTIFA~1.SFX - ANTIFANS Toolbox ( Voodoo Noter V2.0+ Stuff List Editor V2+ Dir Master V7)
AUTOGR~1.DOC - DOC for file below
AUTOGR~1.SFX - AutoGraph V1, one of the most versatile graphics convert/display programs
BAM-ZI~1.PRG - A version of the.ZIP - Code disk archiver
BLKCOUNT.PRG - Block Count v1
BLKCOUNT.TXT - Text from prog below
C128-1~1.CAB - building a 80 column cable to attach a C128 to a 1702 monitor.
C64_PL~1 EQU C64 PLA logic equations
C64S_ARC.ZIP - The C=64 Game Archiver Allows you to manage huge dirs of games
C64SLOW.EXE - Slow down hi-speed pc's for 1541-pc file transfer programs
CABLES.HTM - Links url's for Notes about hooking C128 screen to TV or analog monitor & more
CBM-FAQ.0 - COMP.SYS.CBM: General FAQ, v3.1 Part 1/9 (beta)
CBM_BA~1 - keywords & token codes for all CBM Basic versions on petcat v2.02 PL 1
CHDIRSYS.SFX - Subdirectory maker for the C64 1541 etc Brilliant
CHEQUE~1.SFX - Cheque Book Organiser V2.0 for Commodore C64 by Peter Weighill
CIA6526.ZIP - A Software Model of the CIA6526 by [email protected] (Wolfgang Lorenz)
COUNTD~1.SFX - Countdown by Peter Weighill shows load time for C64 progs
Creating a Commodore SFX file on a system that has LHA or LHarc
CSG_CH~1.INF - Commodore 8-bit IC Technical Ref
DEMO_M~1.PRG - Music composer demo's
DEMO_M~2.PRG - Music composer demo's
DEMO_M~3.PRG - Music composer demo's                                         E-MAIL
DEMO_M~4.PRG - Music composer demo's
DIGIPL~1.SFX - Commodore DOC & file viewer Possibly no longer supported
DISK-D~1.HTM - Directory /pub/cbm/documents/disk-drives/ how to realign/renumber 1541-1571
DISKUTIL.HTM - Links to terrific Commodore-PC disk utilities
DM005.ZIP - Dungeon Master's Treasure Compute's Gazette Collection of Utilities
DMC-V4_0.PRG - Commodore Music Composer
DMC4_0.PRG - Commodore Music Composer
DOCS2.HTM - Directory /pub/cbm/documents/chipdata/ helpful links
DOCUME~1.HTM - how to make different cables,Commodore-integrated circuit (IC) information
DONTLO~1.MSW - Sidplayer Song Words & Stereo Dissolver?
EDITORS.HTM - Links to music editor sites
ELECTR~1.HTM - Dir of /pub/cbm/documents/electronics/-lists main causes of hardware failures
EQUALE~1.PRG - Equaleditor V1
ETERNA~1.MSW - Sidplayer Song Words & Stereo Dissolver?
EZLOAD~1.SFX - Easy Loader V2.70 menu maker
FATUMF~1.PRG - Fatum Formatter
FC4_0.PRG - Future Composer V4.0
FILETYPE.64 - Whole Disk file type changer
FUTURE~1.PRG - Future Composer V4.0
FUTURE~1.SFX - Future Comooser V2.0
GAMES-~1.HTM - Links to C64 games
GB-COM~1.PRG - Groovy Bitts Sound Composer V2.6
GFX-CO~1.GZ - Grafix Converters Collection
GFX-CO~2.GZ - Equinoxe GFX Converter collection
GLOBE - 64 GLOBE.64 and GLOBE.128                                                          E-MAIL
GLOBE~1.REA - GLOBE.64 and GLOBE.128
GNYLF13.LNX - Text Converter for several different & useful text formats Writers Choice + others
GNYLFDOX.TXT - Describes file below
GRAPHICS.HTM - Links to Graphics converters,editors,viewers
HARDWA~1.TXT - Failure modes of old hardware (in general)
INDEX~1.HTM - Links to Directory /pub/cbm/C64/
JAYS_E~1.PRG - Jays Music Routine v1.5
JCHEDI~1.PRG - JCH'S Music editor
like Picture Sprites changer+Rowcruncher v1.0+ Rcc & (Sdi Writer V2.3 instructions)
LOADER.SFX - Fancy little tsr type C64 disk loader routine
M0PLG3SE.LZH - 64LAN Version 0.96.5á C64 <-> PC file transfer
MANDEL~1.C64 - MandelPrint by Dov Sherman (c) 1991
MANDEL~1.DOC - DOC for file below
MLASS-~1.REA - MLASS v1.0, a menu-driven assembler for Commodore 64
MUSICM~1.PRG - Music Mixer V6
NOTEMA~1.HTM - Links to notemakers
PC64W214.EXE - Brilliant Windows C64 emulator
PD-EDI~1.PRG - Olav Morkrids Digitalizer v2.8
PLAYERS.HTM - links to music players- composers
POP-80S.SFX - Collection of Sid Music files                                  E-MAIL
PRODRU~1.SFX - Prodrum V2.1 for Commodore 64/128
PROGRA~1.HTM - Directory /pub/cbm/crossplatform/programming/
PROGRA~1.reu - description of the programming of the 17xx RAM expansion units
README - The contents of FTP.FUNET.FI:pub/cbm directory
README~1 FIL information on the major archiving formats
REALIG~1.1541 - Re: Realigning a.1541 Disk Drive
REALSI~1.DOC - Support.DOC -
REALSI~1.PRG - Real SidPlay v2.16
REALSI~2.PRG - Real SidPlay v2.2
RENUMB~1.154 - CHANGING A.1541 FROM DEVICE 8 TO DEVICE 9, 10, or 11( SX-64 and 1571D device info)
RESTRI~1.REA - Use Commodore REUs as string data storage in BASIC
REU~1.REG - 64 register utility
ROB_HU~1.PRG - Rob Hubbard Editor
ROCKMO~1.PRG - ROCKMONITOR IV - Plays Rockmonitor I II & III sound tracks
ROCKMO~2.PRG - ROCKMONITOR II Plays Rockmonitor I II & sound tracks ?corrupt
ROCKMO~3.PRG - ROCKMONITOR III - Plays Rockmonitor I II & III sound tracks
RUNEMAL.C64 - designed to cast and read rune stones effectively
SAL64 - SDA S.A.L Symbolic Assembly Language for the C64.
SAL64.doc - as it says
SCRATC~1.PRG - Memory scratcher
SDEDIT45.SFX - Sorts the Huge Native & native subs on CMD Hard drive Ramlink/Ramdrive
SHAKE_ME.MSW - Sidplayer Song Words & Stereo Dissolver?
SHOTGUN.MSW - Sidplayer Song Words & Stereo Dissolver?
SIDUTILS.HTM - Obvious link to sid music utils
SIDWRI~1.SFX - Sidwriter + sid music possibly corrupt            E-MAIL
SINGA~10.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGA~11.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGA~12.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~1.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~2.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~3.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~4.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~5.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~6.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~7.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~8.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SINGAL~9.LHA - Sid music & words archived by Sal music (Carl Springer)
SOFT_T~1.PRG - Soft Tune Composer
SOUNDM~1.DOC - DOCs for SOUNDMAKER by Psychobird
SOUNDS~1.PRG - Cyberlogic Sound Studio v4.0
SOUNDS~2.PRG - Soundscape by F.Blom
SOUNDT~1.PRG - Sounstracker 65 by Mechanix 1988
STEREO~1.SFX - MUSIC Files, Editors, Music Related Utils, Players, & Demo's follow
SUBZERO.SFX - Zero out sectors on 1541/1571/1581 drives and partition drives etc.
SWEETC~1.MSW - Sidplayer Song Words & Stereo Dissolver?
TAKETH~1.MSW - Sidplayer Song Words & Stereo Dissolver?
TAPE-T~1.HTM - Source Code program will read any tape written in the turbo-loader format 
THE_DO~1.MSW - Sidplayer Song Words & Stereo Dissolver?
TOMB_L~1.REA - Escape from Tiamat's Tomb, an adventure game            E-MAIL
TOOLS_~1.SFX - Rcc & Sdi Writer V2.3+Bit & Color sort+Equal char galleon+Pic Charset changer etc
TOOLS_~2.SFX - Topaz Assembly Converter V4 +Character.ZIP - per V1.4 +Deadline Writer V2.4 & more
UBIKS_~1.PRG - UBIKIS Music Editor
UTILIT~1.HTM - Great tech head links
VIBRANTS.HTM - Links to music & music utils
VIC-I~1.INF - MOS 6560/6561 VIC-I Video Interface Circuit documentation
VOICET~1.PRG - Voicetracker v4.2
VOICET~2.PRG - Voicetracker v2
ZAPLOAD.PRG - ZAP 1571 Fastloader

Directory \GAMEMISC on the CD

More games downloaded this year because of
problems with originals It's a lucky dip.

1001CARD.ZIP - Cardcruncher V3 & Cardcruncher V4 C64 Compression progs
100KPYRA.ZIP - $100,000 Pyramid Quiz game ??
19BOOT.ZIP - C64 Game 19 boot camp doesn't exist in other dir's
2BEONTOP.ZIP - C64 game to be on top graphic interactive
2_PI_R.ZIP - C64 Game 2 pie r as in 3.whatever
3-BOARDS.ZIP - C64 games Backgammon draughts and Whitewash don't exist in othe dir's
3APSHAI.ZIP - C64 Game Temple of Aphasi trilogy
3D-SOCCE.ZIP - C64 game 3D soccer bt I Play.                           E-MAIL
3DKIT.ZIP - 3D Construction Kit 1991 by Domark doesn't exist in other dir's
3DPACMAN.ZIP - C64 Game 3D Pacman C64 doesn't exist in other dir's
3DWATERS.ZIP - C64 Game 3D Waterski doesn't exist in other dir's
3STOOGES..ZIP - C64 Game 3 Stooges by Eaglesoft (3 disks) doesn't exist in other dir's
3STOOG10..ZIP - Text file how to play the above game
3STOOG~1..ZIP - C64 Game 3 Stooges cracked by OUG (3 disks) doesn't exist in other dir's
4000.ZIP - C64 games SuperKong and 10 other early ones don't exist in other dir's
4025.ZIP - C64 games Skier and 5 other early games don't exist in other dir's
4SOCCER.ZIP - C64 games Street Soccer Soccer Skills 11 a side Soccer Indoor Soccer
4X4OFFRO.ZIP - C64 games 4X4 Offroad racing
5ASIDE.ZIP - C64 games 5 a side soccer don't exist in other dir's
5THAXIS.ZIP - C64 games 5th axis Martial arts type platform game
5THGEAR.ZIP - C64 games 5th Gear 007 tyoe scrolling shootemup
6_A_SIDE.ZIP - C64 games 6 A side Soccer by Microprose doesn't exist in other dir's
720GRAD.ZIP - C64 games 720 Skating (like skate or die ) Good
7CITIES.ZIP - C64 games 7 Cities of Gold by Ozark Software 2 disk set
911TIGER.ZIP - C64 games 911 Tiger strange game

Directory \TXT files on the CD

Text files clues pokes etc. to help you
get through a whole heap of Commodore                               E-MAIL
games without pulling your hair out.

00_INDEX.TXT - Index of European C64 archive - Norway - - Frodo.hiof.no
3STOOG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Three Stooges Quick Reference Card.
50MISN10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Fifty Mission Crush manual
64CD1.ZIP - High Voltage Complete C64 Collection CD Part 1 INDEX listing only
64CD2.ZIP - High Voltage Complete C64 Collection CD Part 2 INDEX listing only
64CHEA~1.TXT - Lots of Cheats for many Popular C64 Games
64POKE~1.TXT - Pokes for just a few commodore games
6GUNSH10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Six Gun Shootout softdox
7CITIE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of The Seven Cities of Gold
9AMBER10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Nine Princes in Amber manual
ACE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ace of Aces documentation
ACROJT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Acro Jet manual
ACS10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Adventure Construction Set instructions.
ALCAZ10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Alcazar help file
AXRAGE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Axe of Rage manual
AZTCHA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Aztec Challenge instructions
BASIC110.ZIP - The Project 64 text for Commodore BASIC articles #1
BATCOM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Battle Command manual
BATGRP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Battle Group manual.
BATMOV10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~Batman The Movie instruction sheet
BEACH210.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Beach Head II manual
BEAMR10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Beamrider help file
BEROOT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Below the Root manual.
BLADEB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Blade of Blackpoole manual.
BLARG10.ZIP - The Project 64 text of the BLARG instructions Basic Language Graphics extension
BLUMAX10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Blue Max manual
BREAKR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Breakers manual.                 E-MAIL
BRIMST10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Brimstone manual
BRUCEL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Bruce Lee manual
BT3COD10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the The Bard's Tale III : Thief of Fate code wheel
BT3CSC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate Command Summary Card.
CABRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Curse of the Azure Bonds Rule Book
CAFORC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Carrier Force manual
CBTPNT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the CBterm Punter Protocol overlay manual.
CDTSD10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Countdown to Shutdown documentation
CHAINR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Chain Reaction manual by Encore
CHQ210.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the CHASE H.Q. 2 manual.
CM210010.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Chessmaster 2100 manual
COBRAC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Cobra (cassette version) C64 manual.
COKAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Champions of Krynn Adventure Journal,
COMLEA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Combat Leader manual
COMPAM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Computer Ambush manual
CONAN10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Conan The Barbarian manual
CONGO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Congo-Bongo manual.
COSBAL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Cosmic Balance documentation.
CRIME10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Crime And Punishment manual
CRIMET10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Crime Time manual and map        E-MAIL
CRITMA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Critical Mass manual
DECAT10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Decathlon help file. Original Windows(R) help file
DELTA210.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Delta II - Armalyte manual
DESESC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Destroyer Escort manual
DINOE10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Dino Eggs instructions
DISKDR10.ZIP - The Project 64 text of the Disk Doctor article. Converted to text
DKKAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~The Dark Queen of Krynn Adventure Journal
DKKRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Death Knights of Krynn Rule Book~
DQKAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~The Dark Queen of Krynn Adventure Journal
DQKRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~The Dark Queen of Krynn Rule Book
DRAGW10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Dragonworld manual.
DRAGWA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Dragon Wars reference card and manual,
DREAD10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Dreadnoughts instruction manual
DSCODE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Demon Stalkers code wheel
EADES10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Europe Ablaze Design manual, rev. A.
EAPLA10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Europe Ablaze Player's manual, rev. A.
EASYQR10.ZIP - The Project 64 text of the Easy Script 64 Quick Reference Card. Converted to text
ELITE11.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Elite manual
ESSEX10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Essex manual
F45110.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Fahrenheit 451 manual
FEUD10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Feud manual
FPILOT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Fighter Pilot manual.
FSHARK10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Flying Shark manual
GACCR10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Great American Cross-Country Road Race help file
GAMESW10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~The Games - Winter Edition documentation
GATO10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Gato instructions        E-MAIL
GAUNT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Gauntlet manual, by US Gold/Atari Games
GPRIXS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Grand Prix Simulator manual by CodeMasters
GRUDS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Gruds in Space manual
GSFAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Gateway to the Savage Frontier Adventure Journal
GSFRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Gateway to the Savage Frontier Rule Book
GUADAL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Guadalcanal Campaign manual
GUNSHI10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Gunship manual
HACKR10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Hacker help file
HMOON10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~Hunter's Moon instruction manual
HOBANK10.ZIP - The Project 64 text of the The Home Banker User's Manual. Converted to text
HOMANG10.ZIP - The Project 64 text of the The Home Manager User's Manual. Converted to tex
HUNTRO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Hunt for Red October manual
HV_ALL.ZIP - High Voltage CD collection INDEX listing only
IBALL210.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the I, Ball II (The Quest for the Past) manual
ICEHOC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the American Ice Hockey (Superstar Ice Hockey in the US
IMPGAL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Imperium Galactum manual
IMPMI210.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Impossible Mission II manual
IMPMIS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Impossible Mission manual
ISLCAP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Spy Vs Spy: The Island Caper manual.
JETCOM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Jet Combat Simulator manual
JRPAC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Jr.Pac-Man manual
KENNAP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Kennedy Approach manual
KGRUPP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Kampfgruppe manual
KONAMI10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Konami's Arcade Collection
LACODE11.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Legacy of the Ancients code wheel
LASTMI10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Last Mission manual            E-MAIL
LCP11A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Little Computer People help file
LOTA10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Legacy of the Ancients manual, revision A
MAGMAX10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~Mag Max instructions
MINDWH10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Mindwheel manual
MINPUT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Mini-Putt by Accolade/Electronic Arts manual
MISAST10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Mission Asteroid manual
ML110.ZIP - The Project 64 text for ML Programming articles #1
MODWAR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Modem Wars manual
MORECH~1.TXT - More C64 game Cheats
MORECH~2.TXT - Even More C64 game Cheats
MOTL11A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Master of the Lamps help file
MSHOP10A.ZIP - The Project 64 text of the unofficial Music Shop documentation.
MULE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the M.U.L.E. package
MUTANT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Mutants manual
NATL8610.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~North Atlantic '86 Manual
NATOCO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Nato Commander manual
NAVYSE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Navy Seals manual
NEUCOD10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Neuromancer Verification Codes
NEUHIN10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Neuromancer Hint Book
NEUQRC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Neuromancer Quick Reference Card
NORSOU10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~North South manual
OPMG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Operation Market Garden manual
ORANG10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Ocean Ranger documentation
PARKP10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Park Patrol help file              E-MAIL
PICBLD10.ZIP - The Project 64 text of Rolf Harris' Picture Builder manual, converted o text
PMASON10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Perry Mason manual
PODAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Pools of Darkness Adventure Journal
PODRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Pools of Darkness Rule Book
PORAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Pool of Radiance Adventure Book~
PORRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Pool of Radiance Rule Book
PORTL10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Portal help file
PRINC10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Prince of Persia manual
QUEDEX10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Quedex cover and manual
RACDS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Racing Destruction Set Manual
RAMBO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Rambo First Blood Part II manual
RAW10.ZIP - The Project 64 text of the ".RAW" digitized files spec's
RNW10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Rock N Wrestle manual
ROBO310.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the RoboCop 3 manual
ROCKFO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Rockford user's manual
ROGRAB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Roger Rabbit manual
ROKNB10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Rock n' Bolt help file
RRAMAS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Rendezvous With Ramas manual
RRCODE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Rocket Ranger Secret Decoder Wheel
RYGAR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Rygar manual
SAM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the SAM/Reciter Manual.
SENTIN10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Sentinel manual,             E-MAIL
SFCODE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the StarFlight Code Wheel
SGAME210.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Summer Games II Instruction Manual
SHABEA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Shadow of the Beast manual.
SHADOW10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Shadow Keep documentation
SPARK10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Space Ark instructions
SPIBO10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Spiderbot manual
SPORON10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Sports-A-Roni manual
SPVIK10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Space Viking documentation.
SPYSPY10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Spy vs. Spy manual
SSBAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Secret of the Silver Blades Adventure Journal
SSBRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Secret of the Silver Blades Rule Book
STARCR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Starcross manual
STIFFL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Stifflip & Co. manual
SUBCO10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Submarine Commander docs
SUHUEY10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Super Huey manual
SUICID10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Suicide Strike manual
SUMGAM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Summer Games Instruction Manual
SWIFAM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Swiss Family Robinson manual
TAIPAN10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~TAI-PAN manual
TANIUM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Tanium manual
TAPSH10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Temple of Apshai Documentation
TASM11A.ZIP - The Project 64 text of Frank's Turbo Assembler V6.0 Commands
TASS10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Tass Times in Tonetown book
TECLIP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~Total Eclipse manual
TERRA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Terra Cresta manual               E-MAIL
TFIELD10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Track & Field manual.
TFUEL10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Top Fuel Eliminator help file
THDUEL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of The Duel instructions
TMNTVC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Verification Codes
TOKI10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Toki manual
TOYBZ10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Toy Bizarre help file
TRANSF10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Transformers manual.
TREASI10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Treasure Island manual
TSFAJ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Treasures of the Savage Frontier Adventure Journal
TSFRB10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Treasures of the Savage Frontier Rule Book
TURTL210.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 manual
UHSDOS40.ZIP - Universal Hint System Reader for MS-DOS v4.00
ULT110A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ultima I manual.
ULT210A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ultima II manual.
ULT320A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ultima III manual.
ULT420A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ultima IV manual.
ULT520A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ultima V manual.
ULT620A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ultima VI manua
ULYSS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Ulysses and the Golden Fleece manual.
UNTOUC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Untouchables manual.
URIDAM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Uridium manual, American edition
URIDUK10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Uridium manual, UK edition
USAAF10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~U.S.A.A.F. manual
V0PSG329.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Gunship manual
WARSH10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Warship manual, revision A          E-MAIL
WASTEL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Wasteland manual
WEBDI10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Web Dimension help file.
WINGOW10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~Wings of War manual
WIZBAL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Wizball manual
WIZOZ10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the The Wizard of Oz manual
WIZPRI10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Wizard and the Princess manual
WRESTM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ~WrestleMania manual
XOUT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of ~X-Out manual~ for C64, Amstrad CPC and Spectrum
YAK10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Yak's Progress
ZENJI10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Zenji help file
ZOIDS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Zoids manual. Converted to MS Word format
ZORK110.ZIP - E-text of the Zork I background documentation
ZORK210.ZIP - E-text of the Zork II background documentation
ZORK310.ZIP - Etext of the Zork III background documentation
ZORKEN10.ZIP - E-text of the Enchanter background documentation, a Zork related text
ZRANG10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Zone Ranger help file
ZYNAPS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Zynaps instructions

Directory \64textadv on the CD

More Adventure games                                     E-MAIL

(Library Side1 is missing 2 games) MUST use LOAD"*",8,1 for it to work!
ADULT_~1.ZIP - C64 Games Adult Interactive Fiction 5 games Farmers Daughter etc
AGCK.ZIP - Arcade Game Construction Kit Master & Library Disks (4 disks)
BOREDO~1.ZIP - C64 Game BORED OF THE RINGS Delta 4 1985.sna format?
BUREAUCR.d64 - C64 Game bureaucracy adv
ESCAPE~1.ZIP - C64 game Escape to Freedom by Mario Moella
EYEOFHOR.d64 - C64 Game Eye of Horus adv.
HELPFI~1.ZIP - Some Infocom game hints
HOTELH~1.ZIP - C64 Game Hotel Hell Adv. (2 disks)
INT-FIC.ZIP - C64 Games Vampyre Hunter & 4 other interactive adv's
MYSTADV.ZIP - C64 Games.Brian Howarth's 11 Mystery adventures (2 disks)
MYSTADV2.d64 - C64 Games.Brian Howarth's 11 Mystery adventures (2 disks)
PICS&M~1.ZIP - Pictures & Maps for C64 game Sorcerer adv
STOWAWAY.ZIP - C64 Game Stowaway by Mario Moella
TEXTFI~1.ZIP - Text hint/help files for most C64 Infocom Games
TRANSY~1.ZIP - C64 Game Transylvania
WANTED Good Clean Complete copy of - Arcade Game Construction Kit
ZORK0M~1.ZIP - GIFs from Zork 0
1000MI10 .ZIP - The Project 64 etext of 1000 Miglia: The Official Simulator
BNG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Blood'n Guts
BONBRO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Bonanza Bros
BOOKDE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Book of the Dead
COOLWO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Cool World
CREATS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Creatures
DALEKA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Dalek Attack
DYNWAR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Dynasty Wars
FORCE110.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Force One
FORTAP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Fort Apocalypse
GUNSTA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Gunstar
HALLTH10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Halls of the Things
HARDBA10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Hardball!
HIFRON10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of High Frontier
JAWS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Jaws
MEANST10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Mean Streets
MOONSH10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Moonshadow
OPHORM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Operation Hormuz
PRODIG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Prodigy
PSI5TC10 .ZIP- The Project 64 etext of Psi 5 Trading Co.
RETED10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Return to Eden Manual
ROADRU10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Road Runner
ROBOCO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Robocod
SCAPEG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Scapeghost Manual
SECAL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Security Alert manual w/o codes
SFARGO10\.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Sword of Fargoal
SHERLO10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Sherlock
SPECAG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Special Agent
SUBCOM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Suburban Commando
TWINKY10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Twinky Goes Hiking
VVF9GKHD.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of High Frontier
WARHWK10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Warhawk
WINSS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Winter Supersports
WWFERT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the WWF European Rampage Tour


BLARG10.ZIP- The Project 64 etext of the BLARG instructions
1541D10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 1541 Disk Drive User's Guide
1541FL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the 1541 Flash! Instruction Manual
154DIS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 1541 ROM disassembly
154MAP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of two 1541 drive memory maps
1571D10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 1571 Disk Drive User's Guide.
1581D11.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 1581 Disk Drive User's Guide
1700RE10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the 1700/1750 RAM Expansion Module User's Guide
1702V10 .ZIP - The Project 64 etext of theCommodore 1702 Color Video Monitor Users Manual
1750CL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Super 1750 Clone User's Guide
1802V10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 1802 monitor User's manual
64MAP10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of several Commodore 64 memory maps
AR6PRO12.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Action Replay MK VI Professional manual
BASIC110.ZIP - The Project 64 etext for Commodore BASIC articles #1
1351MS11.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the 1351 Mouse User's manual
C2N1.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the C2N Cassette Unit Operating Instructions
C64DIS10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 64 ROM disassembly
C64PRG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 64 Programmer's ReferenceGuide
C64SM09 .ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 64 Service Manual
C64UG210 .ZIP - The Project64 etext of the Commodore 64 MicroComputer User Manual (2d ed)
CBTPNT10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the CBterm Punter Protocol overlay manual
C-DIAG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext for Commodore diagnostics
DISKDR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Disk Doctor article
DRESET10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Adding a Reset Switch to a 1541/1571/1581
DUAL10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Changing a 1541 from Device 8
EASYQR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Easy Script 64 Quick Reference Card
EPXFLC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Epyx Fast Load Cartridge Instruction Manual
FC310 .ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Final Cartridge III manual
FREEZM10 .ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Freeze Machine cartridge instructions
HOBANK10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the The Home Banker User's Manual
HOMANG10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the The Home Manager User's Manual
ISEPIC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ISEPIC user's manual
MACH5F10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Mach5 fast-loader cartridge
MAPC6411.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Mapping The Commodore 64 book
ML110.ZIP - The Project 64 etext for ML Programming articles #1
MSHOP10A.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the unofficial Music Shop documentation
PICBLD10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of Rolf Harris' Picture Builder manual
PIX10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Convert Koala Art and Doodle
POWERC10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Power C manual
RAW10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the ".RAW" digitized files spec's
SAM10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the SAM/Reciter Manual
SIMBQR10.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Simon's Basic Quick Reference Card
TASM11A.ZIP - full doc about TURBO-ASSEMBLER V6.0. Here it is
V1JTR1F4.ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the Commodore 1702 Color Video Monitor Users Manual
WTPARA10 .ZIP - The Project 64 etext of the W &T Parallel-Interface manual

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