Recipes for edible weeds

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I was introduced to edible wild greens by the books by the late Euell Gibbons. I used to wish he was female- till I found out he learned to forage from his mother and grandmother!

These recipes could be made with any edible wild green- mustard, mallow, radish, prickly lettuce, filaree (fuzzy fernlike plant which grows in western US) sowthistle, or amaranth.

Wilde Dip

One pint sour cream
One heaping tablespoon mayonaise
two tablespoons cream cheese (optional)
2 cups chopped and rinsed wild greens
Basil or thyme (optional)

Steam or simmer the greens untill soft (about 5 minutes). Mix all the ingredients together, sprinkle with salt and add a pinch of herbs if you wish. Chill overnight.

Wilde Burger Casserole

(adapted from "the art and science of dumpster diving", Jim Hoffman.)
Two cups slightly undercooked macaroni noodles
1 1/2 cups chopped and rinsed wild greens
2 cheeseburgers (such as the McDouble or Whopper jr. with cheese)
Remove the patties, onions, cheese and tomato slices from the burgers, chop up. Mix the ingredients together with a dollup of ketchup and crumble one of the buns on top. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees f.

Wilde Spaghetti Casserole

2 cups cooked spaghetti noodles
1 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce
2 cups chopped and rinsed amaranth leaves (can use any other green)
1/2 cup grated cheese
Bread crumbs (optional)

Mix all ingredients together: if desired sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Bake in the oven 45 minutes at 350 degrees f. If not using bread crumbs, cover untill the last 20 minutes.

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