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Tiny-puff-pancakes made with Steenbruges triple abbey beer

Ingredients for 4 persons:

4 eggs

450ml milk

1 bottle abbey beer Steenbruges triple  

 300 grammes flour

 2 tea spoons of baking powder

150 grammes sugar

120 grammes butter

a pinch of salt

2 table spoons of treacle

 a special tiny-puff-pancakes pan

 icingsugar (amount at choise)

 a few pats of farm butter


  1. Mix the 4 eggs and the 450ml milk very good together

  2. Sift the 300gr flour and add 2 tea spoons of baking powder and the 150gr sugar to the mixture

  3. Melt the butter and add it to the mixture with a pinch of salt and 2 table spoons of treacle

  4. Finally add 20 cl of  Steenbruges Triple

  5. Mix everything good together

  6. Grease the special pan with a little bit of butter

  7. Fill up the pan with the mixture and let it grill until there dry

  8. When they are dry turn them with a fork and let them grill another minute. After this put them on a plate 12 per person

  9. the last thing of the preparation is with the last 13cl Steenbruges triple. Drop some drupes of beer on the tiny-puff-pancakes.




The finishing touch:

  1. Put them on another plate 12 per person

  2. Sprinkle some icing sugar over them

  3. Last is to put some pats of butter on the tiny-puff-pancake



Guido Van Dorst



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