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  Pudding with dry fruit 



150g fresh fat of kidney (or rendered fat of kidney out a packet)

175g dried currant

175g sultana-raisins

175 raisins

150g crumbs of white bread (from dry bread!)

150g brown caster sugar

30g blanched almonds

30g mixed, dried  peels

125g glazed cherries (divide into halves)

1teaspoon peels of citrons and oranges (grated)

3 large eggs

½ glass with dark Trappist beer  from the Achelse kluis

vegetable oil



  1. If you use the fresh fat of kidney, you have to remove the transparent tissue

  2. Grate the fat fine or medium

  3. Check the dry fruit and if it’s necessary remove the stems from the sultana-raisins

  4. Wash this dry fruit with cold water

  5. Let the fruit leak out

  6. Put them in a clean towel and let they dry on a warm place.

  7. Mince the raisins into pieces

  8. Grease a bowl from 1 ½ l with vegetable oil

  9. Cut from fat-free paper 2 circles with the size of the upper surface and the surface of the bowl

  10. Spread over the paper vegetable oil

  11. Do all dry ingredients in 1 bowl and mix these

  12. Mix this with the eggs and the beer

  13. Put a circle oiled fat-free paper on the bottom of the bowl (see at step 8) and scoop the mixture inside

  14. Put the other circle on this

  15. Cover the bowl with a piece of foolscap and bring a ribbon of foolscap around the pudding

  16. Let the pudding 8-9 hours in the steamer steam

  17. Remove the foolscap

  18. And remove the circle who lays up the pudding

  19. Spread a new circle fat-free paper with the vegetable oil and put them on the pudding

  20. Cover the bowl again with foolscap and keep him on a cold place till you use him

  21. If you use the pudding later, boil him then still 2 hours



Cut the pudding into beautiful pieces

Put it on a plate

Give the finishing touch with whipped cream


Karina Winkelmans

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