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Filet of trout
with different kinds of mushrooms 
and Karmeliet tripel



  • eight fresh fillets of trout

  • 75 g schii-take mushrooms or sweet chestnut mushrooms, chapped finely

  • 75 g oyster mushrooms, chapped finely

  • 75 g mushrooms, chapped finely

  • one table-spoon dill, chapped finely

  • one table-spoon chervil, chapped finely

  • 200 g white of leek

  • 25 g creamy butter

  • 7 CL cream

  • one bottle Karmeliet tripel of 33 CL

  • pepper and salt

  • croquettes

  • carrots and peas


  1. Mix the shii-take mushrooms, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms with the creamy butter, dill and chervil.

  2. Season to taste with pepper and salt.

  3. Preheat the oven at 220 °C.

  4. Spread this mixture on the fillets of trout, roll up and fix them with a wooden cocktail pricker.

  5. Grease an ovenproof dish, divide the white of leek over the bottom, put the fillets of trout on top and pour over with 3 quarters of the beer.

  6. Put the ovenproof dish in the oven at 170°C for 20 minutes.

  7. Take the fillets of trout out of the dish and keep them hot. Mix the remainder of the beer and the cream in a saucepan through the remainder of the liquid and sieve through a colander. Reheat the sauce.

  8. Season to taste with pepper and salt.

  9. Put the fillets and sauce on heated plates and serve croquettes, carrots steamed in buttermixed with peas.

  10. You can drink a well-chilled glass of Karmeliet tripel with it.





Nele Reynders

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