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Halve Maan soup


  • 1l. light beer

  • 1 lemon

  • 2 table-spoons of corn flour

  • nutmeg

  • ground clove

  • ginger

  • egg yolk

  • ½ l of strong poultry broth

  • 250 gr. of butter

  • onions

  • celery

  • leek

  • 10 g of fresh coriander


  1. Cut the celery, the leek and the onions in large pieces and soak in half a litre of beer.

  2. Take half of the soaked vegetables and stew them in butter.

  3. Moisten with half a litre of poultry broth and half a litre of beer and thicken with corn flour.

  4. Mix the soup.

  5. Boil down half and add the ginger and the coriander.

  6. Whip the white of 2 eggs until stiff.

  7. Make little meringues with the help of two teaspoons.

  8. Hold them in boiling water for a while to set them some more.

  9. Cut the vegetables in tiny pieces and boil them in slightly salted water for a short while.

  10. Cut the chicken in small pieces.

When served

  • The soup is served in bowls or in soup plates and the meringues are put on top of the soup.

  • If the customer or guest doesn’t like meringues the pieces of chicken julienne and the rest of the soaked vegetables can be added.




Michael Van Swalm

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