Starfleet Historical Database
Cpatain April's Enterprise
  Captain April Crew

CAPTAIN ROBERT APRIL- April was born on the New Tasmania Colony. New Tasmania is rich in dilithium and April’s family worked in the mines hoping to strike it rich. At seventeen April signed up with Starfleet as a means to escape the colony and after fourteen years had risen  to the rank of chief petty officer. While April was serving aboard the USS Apollo, the ship’s commander was injured and the senior officers were killed during a skirmish with a Klingon vessel. The captain gave Chief April a battlefield promotion to lieutenant and placed him in command. April defeated the Klingons and got the ship to safety. Afterwards April was sent to Officer’s Candidate School and received a commission.  As an officer, April served on a variety of ships, eventually commanding the USS Sequoia, his last assignment  before the Enterprise.
    April is the first officer to command a Starship who did not graduate from the Academy. His command style is a bit unorthodox by Academy standards. He’s a very hands on type of commander, preferring to be in the middle of the action and forging one on one relationships with his crew. If there’s a problem he’s more likely to roll up his sleeves and pitch in rather than stand around delegating. Not being an Academy man, he’s not part of the “old boy network” and many of his fellow officers view him as an outsider.
COMMANDER HIRO NOGURA- Nogura is the ship's First Officer. His family can trace their history of military service back to Japanese samurai warriors. His grandmother was a member of Starfleet Academy’s first graduating class in 2165. His mother and father are former Starfleet officers and currently serve in the governments of the Federation and Earth. They look upon Starfleet as a stepping stone to a political career and have groomed Hiro for a future in government. He is torn between doing what his family wants or following his own desires and staying in Starfleet.
   Nogura is a by the book officer, who is at times shocked by April’s unorthodox decision making. April values his advice, even if he doesn't always follow it. A workaholic, Nogura takes great pride in a well-run ship and a highly competent crew. The crew see him as tough but fair. Nogura is skilled in diplomacy and is a regular landing party member. He was born on Starbase 4, but was raised in Paris, France on Earth.

LT. COMMANDER ZLEV-  Zlev, an Andorian, is the ship’s tactical/security officer. He served with April aboard the Sequoia and was April’s first choice as First Officer, but  was overruled by Starfleet Command. He also serves as the ship’s second officer.  A member of the Andorian warrior caste, Zlev is an expert in the martial arts and master of weapons ranging from a sling shot to a laser cannon.  He is also an accomplished poet and musician. Slender and soft spoken, he is often underestimated by opponents unfamiliar with Andorians.
    Like all Andorians Zlev was part of a group called a triad, the other two members of his triad were, killed leaving Zlev alone. This is what prompted Zlev to join Starfleet.

LT. COMMANDER SAHAR GOLDMAN- Goldman is head of the science department  and serves as Science Officer and Ship’s Surgeon. A child prodigy, Goldman graduated medical school at the age of  sixteen and went on to earn degrees in physics, biology, astronomy, psychology and chemistry. Finding life on Earth unchallenging she enrolled in Starfleet Academy, hoping that the exploration of space would fulfill her needs. She has thrived in the environment of Starfleet, where she can use her skills and knowledge at their utmost levels. An expert in xenobiology, she is a member of all first contact landing parties. She has assumed a mentoring role with Lt. Garcia, with whom she feels a certain empathy and Ensign Llewellyn who needs to focus her boundless energy.   April values her vast scientific knowledge, though they often clash on a personal level. Goldman was born in the Middle East on Earth and is primarily of Ethiopian/Israeli  decent. Her ancestors immigrated to Israel in the late 20th  Century and were believed to be a “lost tribe”.

LT. CHRISTOPHER PIKE- Pike is the ship’s helmsman and is one of  a new breed of officers who admire April and other “wild card” commanders.  He is a protégé of April's, who feels he will make an excellent senior officer-if he can learn to trust his instincts. His abilities and devotion to duty has earned the respect of Nogura and Zlev. Moqs treats him and most junior officers like he was fresh out of the academy. Pike is willing to risk his life to safe guard the captain, the ship or a fellow crew member, but is not foolhardy.  Focused on his career, he is oblivious to the fact that many crew members find him attractive, including Lt. Garcia and Ensign Llewyllen. Pike was born in the town of Mojave on Earth.

CHIEF  MOQS- Moqs is from Tellar and is April’s oldest friend. They have served together on various ships, including the Apollo and the Sequoia. The senior chief in engineering, Moqs pretty much runs the department for the Engineering Officer, who prefers administrative type duties. One of the positions Moqs has held in his long career in Starfleet was a drill instructor at Starfleet’s boot camp for enlisted personnel at Parris Island.  He runs his department like a boot camp and many crew members view temporary duty in engineering as something to be avoided.

LIEUTENANT j.g. MARGARET “Maggie” GARCIA- Garcia is in charge of communications and operations (comm/ops) for the ship. Tall and muscular she tends to stand out in a crowd, but is actually very shy.. Her ancestors were the genetically enhanced “supermen” who started the Eugenics Wars. She is smarter, faster and stronger than the average human, but she tries to hide this by acting clumsy and being quiet. Maggie is part of a program, headed by Dr. Goldman, to integrate Eugenics with main stream humans. Like many Eugenics, Maggie takes drugs to control the various psychosis caused by enhancement.  Dr. Goldman feels a certain empathy with Maggie and was instrumental in getting her assigned to the Enterprise. Zlev is impressed by Maggie’s physical abilities and keeps trying to recruit her into security. He is puzzled by the negative reactions humans have towards Eugenics. His people have always practiced a form of eugenics.  Her roommate is Ensign Llwellyn, who is constantly trying to “bring her out of her shell”.  April finds the presence of a Eugenic in his crew to be unsettling. His ancestors, like most humans, suffered greatly at the hands of the Eugenics during the war. Garcia, like many women on board has a crush on Pike. Pike views her as a highly competent fellow officer.
    Garcia was born in Mexico on Earth. She is or will become “Number One” from the TOS pilot “The Cage”.

ENSIGN GUINEVERE  “Lou” LLWELLYN- Llwellyn is the ship’s navigation officer.  Fresh out of the Academy, the Enterprise is her first assignment.  She is outgoing, enthusiastic and eager to please. She is in awe of Captain April and has a crush on Pike. Curious about non-human cultures she often crosses the line of tactfulness with Zlev, Moqs and other aliens on board. April, Nogura and Goldman are trying to focus her energy. A "Starfleet brat", Llwellyn was born in space and has lived on various colony worlds, starbases and alien planets. Her four years at the academy were the longest time she has spent on one planet. Her mother is an admiral, currently assigned to Starfleet Headquarters.

Captain April Page Links

Captain Aprils Synopsis
Captain April Aliens
Captain April Bridge Stations
Captain April's Enterprise Uniforms
USS Enterprise 2245

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