The French and Indian War
By:  Brooke and Jack

    The French and Indian War was a war that lasted seven
years between Great Britain and France for control over
the land in North America.

    The war actually began on July 3, 1754.  This important
war started because George Washington came to Pennsyl-
vania with a message to get the French out of England's
territory, but the French just plainly said, "No!"

    One battle was fought at Fort Duquesne, in Pennsylvania,
near the Ohio River where Pittsburgh is today.

    This resulted in going back to Virginia and telling the
governor of Virginia that the French said, "No!"

    They just had to force the French out because it was their
land.  "But how?" was the question.  If the French didn't agree,
then there would have to be a war.  This is how the French
and Indian War began.

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