Proclamation of 1763

                                     By: Cassandra and Kallianne

               The Proclamation of 1763 was written after the French and Indian War. The Proclamation was a law that no more settlers were to come on the Indian's land west of the Appalachian Mountains. The British King, George lll, gave this order as an official announcement or Proclamation. The King drew a line on a map along the middle of the Appalachian Mountains, from New York  to Georgia. No  colonists were to settle west of that line. He proclaimed this because settlers were coming on the Indian's land which made the Indians get mad and fight back. Then the King would have to send troops to protect the settlers.  This proclamation also said that the settlers who were already living there had to move east. People were very angry and they continued moving in anyway.  It resulted in Colonial discontent.

The resources we used were:
    Our Country  Social Studies book by Herbert J. Bass, Silver Burdett Ginn
    The New Book of Knowledge: Vol. 16.  3.

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